Interface RainbowGumServiceProvider.RainbowGumProvider

All Superinterfaces:
Enclosing interface:

Implement to create a custom RainbowGum. This is the preferred way to customize RainbowGum publishers, appenders, and outputs.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • provide Link icon

      Optionally provides a rainbow gum based on config.
      config - config loaded.
      a Rainbow Gum or not.
    • priority Link icon

      default int priority()
      If there are multiple rainbow gum providers found the higher priority ones are tried first (provide(LogConfig)). The default is 0.

      This feature allows custom rainbow gums for different environments like a testing version that lives in its own jar that is in Maven scope test. If its priority is higher and provide(LogConfig) returns a non-empty optional then it will be used instead of than the production Rainbow Gum.

      priority order where higher number means it will be tried earlier.