All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form
- AbstractStandardEventFormatter - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum.format
An abstract formatter that has the semi-standard layout of TTLL - Time, Thread, Level, Logger but allows changing the format of time, thread, level, logger, etc.
- AbstractStandardEventFormatter.AbstractBuilder<T> - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum.format
Abstract TTLL Builder.
- accept(KeyValues, String, String, int, V) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.KeyValues.KeyValuesConsumer
Accepts the KeyValues at the current key and value.
- accept(String, String) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.KeyValues.MutableKeyValues
Same as
KeyValues.MutableKeyValues.putKeyValue(String, String)
but will ignore null keys from sources that have null keys. - add(LogFormatter) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.Builder
Adds a formatter.
- add(LogProperty.Result<?>) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Validator
Adds a result to check.
- add(String, String) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.KeyValues.MutableKeyValues
Fluent version of put.
- addFallbackParam(String, String) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.AbstractKeysBuilder
Adds a fallback paramter that will be used on all keys.
- addIfError(LogProperty.Result<?>) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Validator
Adds a result to check only if it is error.
- addKey(String) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.AbstractKeysBuilder
Adds an additional key to try.
- addKeyWithName(String, String) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.AbstractKeysBuilder
Adds a key with a
parameter. - addNameParam(String) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.AbstractKeysBuilder
Adds a a
parameter the last added key. - addParam(String, String) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.AbstractKeysBuilder
Adds a parameter to the last added key
- aliases() - Method in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternRegistry.ColorKey
- aliases() - Method in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternRegistry.KeywordKey
- aliases() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternRegistry.PatternKey
Keyword names.
- allowedChanges(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogConfig.ChangePublisher
Returns what the logger is allowed to change.
- ansiDisabled() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternConfig
Whether or not print escape outputs.
- ansiDisabled(Boolean) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternConfigBuilder
Sets ansiDisabled.
- append(LogEvent) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogAppender
- append(LogEvent[], int) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogAppender
Batch of events.
- append(Boolean) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.output.FileOutputBuilder
Sets append.
- appender(LogProvider<LogAppender>) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogRouter.Router.Builder
Adds an appender.
- appender(String, Consumer<LogAppender.Builder>) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogRouter.Router.Builder
Adds an appender by giving an appender builder to a consumer.
- APPENDER_ENCODER_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogAppender
Encoder appender property.
- APPENDER_ENCODER_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Encoder appender property.
- APPENDER_OUTPUT_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogAppender
Output appender property.
- APPENDER_OUTPUT_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Output appender property.
- APPENDER_PREFIX - Static variable in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Logging appender prefix for configuration.
- Appenders - Search tag in Overview
- Section
- APPENDERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Enabled Logging appenders.
- appendThrowable(StringBuilder, Throwable) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.ThrowableFormatter
Convenience to append a throwable to string builder.
- appId(String) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.rabbitmq.RabbitMQOutputBuilder
Sets appId.
- APPLICATION_JSON - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutput.ContentType.StandardContentType
- apply(T) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.PropertyFunction
- Architecture - Search tag in Overview
- Section
- arg(Object) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEvent.Builder
Add an argument to the event being built.
- arg(Supplier<?>) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEvent.Builder
Add an argument to the event being built.
- ARRAY_END - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.json.JsonBuffer.JSONToken
Helper for writing JSON array end: ]
- ARRAY_START - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.json.JsonBuffer.JSONToken
Helper for writing JSON array start: [
- asList() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogAppender.Appenders
Return the appenders as a list.
- asSingle() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogAppender.Appenders
Consolidate the appenders as a single appender.
- async() - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogPublisher.PublisherFactory
Async builder.
- ASYNC_SCHEME - Static variable in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogPublisherRegistry
This is URI scheme for the async publisher used by the publisher builder.
- AT - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.json.JsonBuffer.ExtendedFieldPrefix
"@" At symbol prefix
- AvajePropertiesProvider - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum.avaje
Makes avaje provide properties to RainbowGum.
- AvajePropertiesProvider() - Constructor for class io.jstach.rainbowgum.avaje.AvajePropertiesProvider
For service loader.
- bind(LogProperties) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Property
Creates a lazy result from the properties.
- BLACK - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternRegistry.ColorKey
ANSI black color
- BLUE - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternRegistry.ColorKey
ANSI blue color
- BOLD_BLUE - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternRegistry.ColorKey
ANSI boldBlue color
- BOLD_CYAN - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternRegistry.ColorKey
ANSI boldCyan color
- BOLD_GREEN - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternRegistry.ColorKey
ANSI boldGreen color
- BOLD_MAGENTA - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternRegistry.ColorKey
ANSI boldMagenta color
- BOLD_RED - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternRegistry.ColorKey
ANSI boldRed color
- BOLD_WHITE - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternRegistry.ColorKey
ANSI boldWhite color
- BOLD_YELLOW - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternRegistry.ColorKey
ANSI boldYellow color
- buffer(LogEncoder.BufferHints) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEncoder.AbstractEncoder
- buffer(LogEncoder.BufferHints) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEncoder
Creates a new buffer.
- buffer(LogEncoder.BufferHints) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternEncoder
- BUFFER_SIZE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogPublisher.AsyncLogPublisher.Builder
Buffer Size Property for Async publishers.
- bufferHints() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutput.AbstractOutputStreamOutput
- bufferHints() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutput
Hints to the buffer like what write style of the output and maximum buffer size.
- bufferHints() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.rabbitmq.RabbitMQOutput
- bufferSize(int) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogPublisher.AsyncLogPublisher.Builder
Sets buffer size.
- bufferSize(Integer) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.output.FileOutputBuilder
Sets required bufferSize.
- build() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.format.StandardEventFormatter.Builder
Builds the formatter.
- build() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.jansi.JansiLogFormatter.Builder
- build() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.json.encoder.GelfEncoderBuilder
from this builder. - build() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LevelResolver.Builder
Builds a cached level resolver.
- build() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogAppender.Builder
- build() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogConfig.Builder
Builds LogConfig which will use the
if set to load missing components and if not set will use static defaults. - build() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.Builder
Will create a generic log formatter that has the inner formatters coalesced if possible and will noop if there are no formatters.
- build() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.Builder
Builds LogProperties based on builder config.
- build() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.MutableLogProperties.Builder
Builds a mutable log properties.
- build() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.PropertyKeyBuilder
Builds the property with the supplied keys.
- build() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogPublisher.AbstractBuilder
Creates publisher provider.
- build() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogPublisher.AsyncLogPublisher.Builder
- build() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogPublisher.SyncLogPublisher.Builder
Build a publisher provider.
- build() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.output.FileOutputBuilder
from this builder. - build() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternCompiler.Builder
Creates a pattern compiler.
- build() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternConfigBuilder
from this builder. - build() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternEncoderBuilder
from this builder. - build() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.rabbitmq.RabbitMQOutputBuilder
from this builder. - build() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.RainbowGum.Builder
Builds an un-started
. - build(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.PropertyGetter
Creates a Property from the given key and this getter.
- build(String, String...) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.PropertyGetter
Creates a Property from the given key and this getter.
- builder() - Static method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.format.StandardEventFormatter
builder. - builder() - Static method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.jansi.JansiLogFormatter
- builder() - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LevelResolver
Level resolver builder.
- builder() - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogConfig
Creates a builder for making LogConfig.
- builder() - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter
- builder() - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
LogProperties builder.
- builder() - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.MutableLogProperties
Builder for MutableLogProperties.
- builder() - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty
- builder() - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Property
- builder() - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogPublisher.AsyncLogPublisher
Async publisher builder.
- builder() - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogPublisher.SyncLogPublisher
Sync publisher builder.
- builder() - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternCompiler
Creates a pattern compiler builder.
- builder() - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternConfig
Creates a builder to create formatter config.
- builder() - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.RainbowGum
Use to build a custom
which will use theLogConfig
provided by the service loader. - builder(LogConfig) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.RainbowGum
Use to build a custom
with supplied config. - builder(String) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogAppender
Creates a builder.
- builder(String) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternConfig
Creates a builder to create formatter config.
- builder(String) - Static method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternEncoder
Pattern encoder builder.
- builder(String, LogConfig) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogRouter.Router
Creates a builder from config.
- builder(Consumer<? super LogConfig.Builder>) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.RainbowGum
Use to build a custom
with supplied config. - buildWithName(String, String) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.PropertyGetter
Creates a Property from the given key and its "name" parameter.
- BYTE_BUFFER - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutput.WriteMethod
Prefer calling
LogOutput.write(LogEvent, ByteBuffer, ContentType)
. - BYTES - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutput.WriteMethod
- caller(LogEvent.Caller) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEvent.Builder
Adds caller info.
- CALLER - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogConfig.ChangePublisher.ChangeType
The logger is allowed to change caller info.
- Caller Information - Search tag in Overview
- Section
- callerOrNull() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEvent
Returns info about caller or
if not supported. - CaseChanging - Annotation Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum.annotation
API documentation marker that the enum or sealed type may add new case values on feature release and thus external API consumers desiring backward compatibility should have a
case. - cause() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Error
Returns the value of the
record component. - CHANGE_PREFIX - Static variable in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Logging change properties prefix.
- changePublisher() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogConfig
An event changePublisher to publish configuration changes.
- checkEnabled(System.Logger.Level, System.Logger.Level) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LevelResolver
Statically checks if requested level is greater than or equal to the logger level based on LevelResolver rules.
- CLASS - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternRegistry.KeywordKey
- className() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEvent.Caller
- clear() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.json.JsonBuffer
- clear() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LevelResolver
Clears any caching of levels.
- clear() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEncoder.Buffer
Prepare the buffer for reuse.
- clear() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEncoder.Buffer.StringBuilderBuffer
- clear() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.output.ListLogOutput
Clears the currently stored events.
- close() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.disruptor.DisruptorLogPublisher
- close() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.jdk.jul.JULConfigurator
- close() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogAppender
- close() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEncoder.Buffer
Convenience that will call clear.
- close() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogLifecycle
- close() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutput.AbstractOutputStreamOutput
- close() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutput
- close() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogRouter.AbstractRouter
- close() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.output.ListLogOutput
- close() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.rabbitmq.RabbitMQOutput
- close() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.RainbowGum
Will close the RainbowGum and all registered components as well as removed from the shutdown hooks.
- close() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.ServiceRegistry
- COMMA - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.json.JsonBuffer.JSONToken
Helper for writing comma separator: ,
- compile(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternCompiler
Compiles a pattern into a formatter.
- concat(LogFormatter.StaticFormatter) - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.StaticFormatter
Creates a new formatter by concat the
. - concatKey(String) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Concats a key using
to the root prefix. - concatKey(String, String) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Concats a keys using
as the separator. - config() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogConfig.ConfigSupport
Provides config.
- config() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogRouter.Router.Builder
Gets the currently bound config.
- config() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.RainbowGum
The config associated with this instance.
- config(LevelResolver.LevelConfig) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LevelResolver.AbstractBuilder
Adds a level config.
- config(LogProperties, String) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LevelResolver.AbstractBuilder
Adds a level config based on properties and will use the prefix as the root.
- Config - Search tag in Overview
- Section
- Config Change during runtime - Search tag in Overview
- Section
- configurator(RainbowGumServiceProvider.Configurator) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogConfig.Builder
Add to configure LogConfig and ServiceRegistry.
- CONFIGURATOR_PASSES - Static variable in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.spi.RainbowGumServiceProvider.Configurator
The default amount of passes made to resolve configurators.
- configure(LogConfig, RainbowGumServiceProvider.Pass) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.avaje.AvajePropertiesProvider
- configure(LogConfig, RainbowGumServiceProvider.Pass) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.jansi.JAnsiConfigurator
- configure(LogConfig, RainbowGumServiceProvider.Pass) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.jdk.jul.JULConfigurator
- configure(LogConfig, RainbowGumServiceProvider.Pass) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.json.encoder.GelfEncoderConfigurator
- configure(LogConfig, RainbowGumServiceProvider.Pass) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternConfig
- configure(LogConfig, RainbowGumServiceProvider.Pass) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternConfigurator
- configure(LogConfig, RainbowGumServiceProvider.Pass) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.spi.PatternKeywordProvider
- configure(LogConfig, RainbowGumServiceProvider.Pass) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.rabbitmq.RabbitMQInitializer
- configure(LogConfig, RainbowGumServiceProvider.Pass) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.spi.LoggerDecoratorService
- configure(LogConfig, RainbowGumServiceProvider.Pass) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.spi.RainbowGumServiceProvider.Configurator
Do ad-hoc initialization before RainbowGum is fully loaded.
- connectionName(String) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.rabbitmq.RabbitMQOutputBuilder
Sets connectionName.
- CONSOLE_APPENDER_NAME - Static variable in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogAppender
Default Console appender name.
- CONSOLE_ERR - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutput.OutputType
Standard err.
- CONSOLE_OUT - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutput.OutputType
Standard out.
- content() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.StaticFormatter
Returns the value of the
record component. - Contents - Search tag in Overview
- Section
- contentType() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutput.ContentType
Content type of binary datay passed to output.
- convert() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Error
Helper just to cast the result to a different parameterized type.
- convert() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Missing
Helper just to cast the result to a different parameterized type.
- copy() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.KeyValues.MutableKeyValues
- copy(PatternConfigBuilder, PatternConfig) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternConfig
Copies the config to builder.
- copyProperties(String) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.MutableLogProperties.Builder
Parses a string as
useful for unit testing with Java multiline string literal. - copyProperties(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.MutableLogProperties
Copy java.util
String useful for unit testing. - copyToMap() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.KeyValues
Copies the KeyValues to a Map.
- create(LogPublisher, LevelResolver, String, LogConfig) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogRouter.Router.RouterFactory
Builder will call this factory if passed in.
- create(PatternConfig, PatternKeyword) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternFormatterFactory.KeywordFactory
Creates a formatter from a keyword.
- create(PatternConfig, PatternKeyword, LogFormatter) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternFormatterFactory.CompositeFactory
Creates a formatter from a keyword.
- create(String, LogConfig, LogAppender.Appenders) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogPublisher.PublisherFactory
Create the log publisher from config and appenders.
- CYAN - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternRegistry.ColorKey
ANSI cyan color
- DATE - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternRegistry.KeywordKey
- debug(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- debug(String, Object) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- debug(String, Object...) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- debug(String, Object, Object) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- debug(String, Throwable) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- debug(Marker, String) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- debug(Marker, String, Object) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- debug(Marker, String, Object...) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- debug(Marker, String, Object, Object) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- debug(Marker, String, Throwable) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- declareExchange(Boolean) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.rabbitmq.RabbitMQOutputBuilder
Sets declareExchange.
- decorate(RainbowGum, Logger) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.spi.LoggerDecoratorService
Decorate a logger.
- DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.output.FileOutput
Default file buffer size.
- DEFAULT_EXCHANGE - Static variable in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.rabbitmq.RabbitMQOutput
Default exchange.
- DEFAULT_EXCHANGE_TYPE - Static variable in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.rabbitmq.RabbitMQOutput
Default exchange type for declaration.
- DEFAULT_NAME - Static variable in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
For properties keys that are parameterized with "name" the name often used if not specified is: "default".
- DEFAULT_ROUTER_NAME - Static variable in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogRouter.Router
The router name given if no router is explicitly declared.
- DEFAULT_SCHEME - Static variable in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogPublisherRegistry
This is the URI scheme for the default publisher.
- DEFAULT_SERVICE_NAME - Static variable in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.ServiceRegistry
Services that do not have multiple options or need a default should use "default".
- defaultLevel() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LevelResolver.LevelConfig
The default level if no level is found.
- defaults() - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.RainbowGum
Provides the service loader default based RainbowGum.
- delegate() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
The downstream logger to forward calls to.
- delegate() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.WrappingLogger
The downstream logger to forward calls to.
- describe() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result
A description of the result for error messages.
- describe() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Error
- describe() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Missing
- describe() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Success.PropertySuccess
- describe() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Success.ValueSuccess
- describe(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProvider
Wraps with an error description.
- describe(Function<String, String>) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProvider
Wraps with an error description.
- description(String) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.AbstractBuilder
Description for properties.
- description(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Describes a key and by default is usually just the key.
- description(String) - Method in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.StandardProperties
- Description - Search tag in Overview
- Section
- disableAnsi(boolean) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.jansi.JansiLogFormatter.Builder
If true will disable ansi escape characters regardless of JAnsi.
- DisruptorLogPublisher - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum.disruptor
Disruptor async publisher.
- drain(LogOutput, LogEvent) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.json.JsonBuffer
- drain(LogOutput, LogEvent) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEncoder.Buffer
The appender will call this usually within a lock to transfer content from the buffer to the output.
- drain(LogOutput, LogEvent) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEncoder.Buffer.StringBuilderBuffer
- EMPTY - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.StandardProperties
Empty properties.
- encode(LogEvent, LogEncoder.Buffer) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEncoder.AbstractEncoder
- encode(LogEvent, LogEncoder.Buffer) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEncoder
Encodes an event to the buffer.
- encode(LogEvent, LogEncoder.Buffer) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternEncoder
- encoder() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.Builder
Creates the formatter and converts it to an encoder.
- encoder(LogEncoder) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogAppender.Builder
Sets encoder.
- encoder(LogProvider<? extends LogEncoder>) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogAppender.Builder
Sets encoder.
- ENCODER_PREFIX - Static variable in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Logging output prefix for configuration.
- encoderForOutputType(LogOutput.OutputType) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEncoderRegistry
Associates a default formatter with a specific output type
- encoderRegistry() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogConfig
Provides encoders by URI scheme.
- Encoders - Search tag in Overview
- Section
- ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.StandardProperties
which is the same value as MicroProfile config ordinal. - equals(KeyValues, KeyValues) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.KeyValues
Checks if two
are equal. - equals(Object) - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.StaticFormatter
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.FoundProperty.ListProperty
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.FoundProperty.MapProperty
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.FoundProperty.StringProperty
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Error
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Missing
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Success.PropertySuccess
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Success.ValueSuccess
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogResponse.Status.ErrorStatus
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- equals(Object) - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.Padding
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
- error(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- error(String, Object) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- error(String, Object...) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- error(String, Object, Object) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- error(String, Throwable) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- error(Marker, String) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- error(Marker, String, Object) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- error(Marker, String, Object...) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- error(Marker, String, Object, Object) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- error(Marker, String, Throwable) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- Error(String, String, Exception) - Constructor for record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Error
Creates an instance of a
record class. - ErrorStatus(String) - Constructor for record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogResponse.Status.ErrorStatus
Creates an instance of a
record class. - ESCAPE - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.json.JsonBuffer.JSONToken
Helper for writing JSON escape: \\
- event(LogFormatter.EventFormatter) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.Builder
Adds an event formatter.
- Event based Filtering - Search tag in Overview
- Section
- eventBuilder(String, System.Logger.Level) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogRouter
Creates (or reuses in the case of logging off) an event builder.
- eventOrNull() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEvent.Builder
Will generate the event if the router can accept otherwise
. - events() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.output.ListLogOutput
The arraylist that contains the logged events so far.
- exchange(String) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.rabbitmq.RabbitMQOutputBuilder
Sets required exchange.
- exchangeType(String) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.rabbitmq.RabbitMQOutputBuilder
Sets exchangeType.
- EXTENDED_F - Static variable in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.json.JsonBuffer
A flag to indicate this field is extended which means it will be prefixed with
. - Extension development guide - Search tag in Overview
- Section
- Extensions and Integrations - Search tag in Overview
- Section
- factory(LogRouter.Router.RouterFactory) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogRouter.Router.Builder
Factory to use for creating the router.
- FALSE - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.systemlogger.RainbowGumSystemLoggerFinder.InitOption
Will not initialize rainbow gum.
- FAQ - Search tag in Overview
- Section
- FILE - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutput.OutputType
Output targets a file.
- FILE - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternRegistry.KeywordKey
- FILE_APPENDER_NAME - Static variable in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogAppender
Default output file appender name.
- FILE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Logging file property for default single file appending.
- FILE_SCHEME - Static variable in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutput
File URI scheme.
- fileName(String) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.output.FileOutputBuilder
Sets fileName.
- fileNameOrNull() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEvent.Caller
- FileOutput - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum.output
An output that is designed for writing to a file.
- FileOutputBuilder - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum.output
Builder to create
. - FileOutputBuilder(String) - Constructor for class io.jstach.rainbowgum.output.FileOutputBuilder
Create a builder for
. - Filtering - Search tag in Overview
- Section
- find(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.ServiceRegistry
Finds all services of a specific type.
- findGlobalProperties() - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Finds global properties by checking the currently bound rainbow gum and if not set use system properties.
- findGlobalProperties(Supplier<? extends LogProperties>) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Finds global properties by checking the currently bound rainbow gum and if not set use the supplier as the fallback.
- findOrNull(Class<T>) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.ServiceRegistry
Finds a service with the default name of "default" or null.
- findOrNull(Class<T>, String) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.ServiceRegistry
Finds a service or null.
- findOrNull(String, String, BiFunction<LogProperties, String, T>) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Searches up a "." separated path using this properties to check for values.
- findProviders(ServiceLoader<RainbowGumServiceProvider>, Class<T>) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.spi.RainbowGumServiceProvider
Finds service providers based on type.
- findRoot(LogProperty.PropertyGetter<?>) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.PropertyGetter
Find root property getter.
- findUpPathOrNull(String, Function<String, T>) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Searches a "." separated property path recursing up the path till a non null value (not missing) is found.
- FIRST - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.spi.RainbowGumServiceProvider.Pass
First pass.
- flag(LogRouter.RouteFlag) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogRouter.Router.Builder
Adds a flag.
- flatten(List<LogProvider<U>>) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProvider
Flattens a list of providers to a single provider of a list.
- flush() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutput.AbstractOutputStreamOutput
- flush() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutput
- flush() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutputRegistry
Attempts to flush all outputs usually for log rotation.
- flush() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.output.ListLogOutput
- flush() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.rabbitmq.RabbitMQOutput
- forEach(KeyValues.KeyValuesConsumer<V>, int, V) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.KeyValues
Used to easily iterate over the key value pairs without using an iterator.
- forEach(BiConsumer<? super String, ? super String>) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.KeyValues
Used to easily iterate over the key value pairs without using an iterator.
- format(StringBuilder, LogEvent) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.format.AbstractStandardEventFormatter
- format(StringBuilder, LogEvent) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.jansi.JansiLogFormatter
- format(StringBuilder, LogEvent) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.EventFormatter
- format(StringBuilder, LogEvent) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter
Formats a log event.
- format(StringBuilder, LogEvent) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.LevelFormatter
- format(StringBuilder, LogEvent) - Method in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.NoopFormatter
- format(StringBuilder, LogEvent) - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.StaticFormatter
- format(StringBuilder, LogEvent) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.ThrowableFormatter
- format(StringBuilder, LogEvent) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.TimestampFormatter
- format(StringBuilder, CharSequence) - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.Padding
Pads the input sequence based on this instance of padding info.
- format(StringBuilder, String, Object) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogMessageFormatter
Formats and appends the results.
- format(StringBuilder, String, Object, Object) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogMessageFormatter
Formats and appends the results.
- formatArray(StringBuilder, String, Object[]) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogMessageFormatter
Formats and appends the result.
- formatLevel(StringBuilder, System.Logger.Level) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.LevelFormatter
Formats the level.
- formatLevel(StringBuilder, System.Logger.Level) - Method in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.NoopFormatter
- formatLevel(System.Logger.Level) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.LevelFormatter
Formats a level.
- formattedMessage(StringBuilder) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEvent
Appends the formatted message.
- formatter(LogFormatter) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogAppender.Builder
Sets formatter as encoder.
- formatter(LogFormatter.EventFormatter) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogAppender.Builder
Sets formatter as encoder.
- Formatters - Search tag in Overview
- Section
- formatThrowable(StringBuilder, Throwable) - Method in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.NoopFormatter
- formatThrowable(StringBuilder, Throwable) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.ThrowableFormatter
Formats a throwable and appends.
- formatTimestamp(StringBuilder, Instant) - Method in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.NoopFormatter
- formatTimestamp(StringBuilder, Instant) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.TimestampFormatter
Format timestamp.
- ForwardingLogger - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j
A logger that forwards calls to the
logger. - freeze() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.KeyValues
Makes the KeyValues thread safe either by copying or returning if already immutable.
- freeze() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEvent.Caller
Make the caller info immutable.
- freeze() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEvent
Freeze will return a LogEvent that is safe to use in a different thread.
- freeze(Instant) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEvent
Freeze and replace with the given timestamp.
- fromFunction(Function<String, String>) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.Builder
Sets what is called on
. - fromProperties(LogProperties) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.json.encoder.GelfEncoderBuilder
- fromProperties(LogProperties) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogBuilder
Will try to convert string key values to parameters needed by the builder.
- fromProperties(LogProperties) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.output.FileOutputBuilder
- fromProperties(LogProperties) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternConfigBuilder
- fromProperties(LogProperties) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternEncoderBuilder
- fromProperties(LogProperties) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.rabbitmq.RabbitMQOutputBuilder
- fromProperties(LogProperties, LogProviderRef) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogBuilder
Will try to convert string key values to parameters needed by the builder.
- fromProperties(String) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.Builder
Parses a string as
. - fromURIQuery(String) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.Builder
Parses a string as a URI query string.
- fromURIQuery(URI) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.Builder
Parses a string as a URI query string.
- fullyQualifiedKey(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.PropertyGetter
Determines full name of key.
- fullyQualifiedKey(String) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.PropertyGetter.RootPropertyGetter
- GELF_SCHEME - Static variable in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.json.encoder.GelfEncoder
GELF encoder URI scheme.
- GelfEncoder - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum.json.encoder
A JSON encoder in GELF JSON format.
- GelfEncoderBuilder - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum.json.encoder
Builder to create
. - GelfEncoderBuilder(String) - Constructor for class io.jstach.rainbowgum.json.encoder.GelfEncoderBuilder
Create a builder for
. - GelfEncoderConfigurator - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum.json.encoder
- GelfEncoderConfigurator() - Constructor for class io.jstach.rainbowgum.json.encoder.GelfEncoderConfigurator
Default constructor for service loader.
- get() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.PropertyValue
Gets result.
- get() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result
- get(LogProperties) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Property
Gets a property value as a result.
- get(LogProperties, String) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.PropertyGetter
Gets a result from properties.
- get(LogProperties, String) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.PropertyGetter.RootPropertyGetter
- get(LogProperties, List<String>) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.PropertyGetter
Gets a result from properties by trying a list of keys.
- getFormattedMessageBuilder() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.json.JsonBuffer
Reusable String buffer for formatted messages.
- getLogger(String) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.avaje.RainbowGumAppLog
- getLogger(String, Module) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.systemlogger.RainbowGumSystemLoggerFinder
- getLogger(String, ResourceBundle) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.avaje.RainbowGumAppLog
- getLoggerFactory() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.RainbowGumSLF4JServiceProvider
- getMarkerFactory() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.RainbowGumSLF4JServiceProvider
- getMDCAdapter() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.RainbowGumSLF4JServiceProvider
- getName() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- getName() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.systemlogger.RainbowGumSystemLogger
- getOrNull() - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.RainbowGum
Gets the currently statically bound RainbowGum or
if none are finished binding. - getOrNull(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternRegistry
Gets the formatter factory for the pattern key.
- getRequestedApiVersion() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.RainbowGumSLF4JServiceProvider
- Getting Started - Search tag in Overview
- Section
- getValueOrNull(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.KeyValues
Analogous to
- global() - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogRouter
Global router which is always available.
- GLOBAL_ANSI_DISABLE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Will globally turn of any ANSI escape output as well disable extensions that do things for ANSI escape like JANSI.
- GLOBAL_CHANGE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Logging change configuration allowed property.
- GLOBAL_VERBOSE - Static variable in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
IF true will provide additional output on errors.
- Gradle - Search tag in Overview
- Section
- GRAY - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternRegistry.ColorKey
ANSI gray color
- GREEN - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternRegistry.ColorKey
ANSI green color
- hashCode() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.StaticFormatter
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.FoundProperty.ListProperty
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.FoundProperty.MapProperty
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.FoundProperty.StringProperty
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Error
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Missing
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Success.PropertySuccess
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Success.ValueSuccess
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogResponse.Status.ErrorStatus
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- hashCode() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.Padding
Returns a hash code value for this object.
- headers(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.json.encoder.GelfEncoderBuilder
Sets headers.
- HIGHLIGHT - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternRegistry.ColorKey
A special color composite key that will highlight based on logger level.
- host(String) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.rabbitmq.RabbitMQOutputBuilder
Sets host.
- host(String) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.json.encoder.GelfEncoderBuilder
Sets required host.
- How it works - Search tag in Overview
- Section
- IGNORE_GLOBAL_LEVEL_RESOLVER - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogRouter.RouteFlag
The route will not use the global level resolver and will only use the level config directly on the router.
- IGNORED - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogResponse.Status.StandardStatus
Nothing to report.
- info(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- info(String, Object) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- info(String, Object...) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- info(String, Object, Object) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- info(String, Throwable) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- info(Marker, String) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- info(Marker, String, Object) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- info(Marker, String, Object...) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- info(Marker, String, Object, Object) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- info(Marker, String, Throwable) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- initialize() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.RainbowGumSLF4JServiceProvider
- initialize(RainbowGum) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.RainbowGumSLF4JServiceProvider
For testing Rainbow Gums SLF4J without initializing SLF4J.
- Installation - Search tag in Overview
- Section
- INSTANCE - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.NoopFormatter
- instanceId() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.RainbowGum
Unique id of rainbow gum instance.
- interpolateKey(String, Function<String, ? extends String>) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Replaces property key parameters by using the lookup function.
- interpolateKey(String, Map<String, String>) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Replace "{name}" tokens in property names.
- interpolateNamedKey(String, String) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Interpolates a named key which is a property key that has a "name".
- INTIALIZE_RAINBOW_GUM_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.systemlogger.RainbowGumSystemLoggerFinder
Initialization flag.
- io.jstach.rainbowgum - module io.jstach.rainbowgum
Core module for RainbowGum which provides low level components for logging as well as a builder for creating custom RainbowGums.
- io.jstach.rainbowgum - package io.jstach.rainbowgum
RainbowGum core components.
- io.jstach.rainbowgum.annotation - module io.jstach.rainbowgum.annotation
Rainbowgum Annotations used for code generation.
- io.jstach.rainbowgum.annotation - package io.jstach.rainbowgum.annotation
RainbowGum annotations used for static code generation.
- io.jstach.rainbowgum.avaje - module io.jstach.rainbowgum.avaje
Uses Avaje Config for LogProperties.
- io.jstach.rainbowgum.avaje - package io.jstach.rainbowgum.avaje
Avaje Config Log Properties implemention.
- io.jstach.rainbowgum.disruptor - module io.jstach.rainbowgum.disruptor
EXPERIMENTAL Disruptor async publisher.
- io.jstach.rainbowgum.disruptor - package io.jstach.rainbowgum.disruptor
Disruptor publisher.
- io.jstach.rainbowgum.format - package io.jstach.rainbowgum.format
Standard Formatters.
- io.jstach.rainbowgum.jansi - module io.jstach.rainbowgum.jansi
JANSI module that will install Jansi.
- io.jstach.rainbowgum.jansi - package io.jstach.rainbowgum.jansi
JAnsi formatter and initializer.
- io.jstach.rainbowgum.jdk - module io.jstach.rainbowgum.jdk
Rainbow Gum JDK components.
- io.jstach.rainbowgum.jdk.jul - package io.jstach.rainbowgum.jdk.jul
JUL implementation.
- io.jstach.rainbowgum.json - module io.jstach.rainbowgum.json
Provides JSON encoders.
- io.jstach.rainbowgum.json - package io.jstach.rainbowgum.json
JSON related formatters and buffers.
- io.jstach.rainbowgum.json.encoder - package io.jstach.rainbowgum.json.encoder
Common JSON encoders like GELF.
- io.jstach.rainbowgum.output - package io.jstach.rainbowgum.output
Standard Outputs.
- io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern - module io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern
Provides Logback style pattern formatters. The URI scheme of pattern encoders is "pattern".
- io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern - package io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern
Base types for pattern compiling.
- io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format - package io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format
Provides Logback style pattern formatters. The URI scheme of pattern encoders is "pattern".
- io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.spi - package io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.spi
SPI for adding custom pattern keywords.
- io.jstach.rainbowgum.rabbitmq - module io.jstach.rainbowgum.rabbitmq
Provides RabbitMQ Rainbow Gum output.
- io.jstach.rainbowgum.rabbitmq - package io.jstach.rainbowgum.rabbitmq
Provides RabbitMQ Rainbow Gum output.
- io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j - module io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j
SLF4J 2.0 implementation.
- io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j - package io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j
SLF4J implementation.
- io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.spi - package io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.spi
SLF4J specific rainbowgum services providers.
- io.jstach.rainbowgum.spi - package io.jstach.rainbowgum.spi
SPI for RainbowGum.
- io.jstach.rainbowgum.systemlogger - module io.jstach.rainbowgum.systemlogger
This module provides a partial System.Logger implementation.
- io.jstach.rainbowgum.systemlogger - package io.jstach.rainbowgum.systemlogger
Rainbow Gum System Logger implementation.
- isDebugEnabled() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- isDebugEnabled(Marker) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- isEmpty() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.KeyValues
Analogous to
. - isEnabled() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogRouter.AbstractRouter
- isEnabled() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogRouter.Route
Determines if
maybe called. - isEnabled(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogConfig.ChangePublisher
Test to see if any changes are enabled for a logger.
- isEnabled(String, System.Logger.Level) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LevelResolver
Convenience method that checks if the loggers resolved level is less than the passed in level.
- isErrorEnabled() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- isErrorEnabled(Marker) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- isInfoEnabled() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- isInfoEnabled(Marker) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- isLoggable(System.Logger.Level) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.systemlogger.RainbowGumSystemLogger
- isNoop() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter
Ask the formatter if will do anything.
- isNoopOrNull(LogFormatter) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter
Tests if the log formatter is noop or is null which will be considered as noop.
- isTraceEnabled() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- isTraceEnabled(Marker) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- isWarnEnabled() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- isWarnEnabled(Marker) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- JANSI_DISABLE - Static variable in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.jansi.JAnsiConfigurator
Jansi disable property.
- JAnsiConfigurator - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum.jansi
JAnsi Configurator which will install JAnsi.
- JAnsiConfigurator() - Constructor for class io.jstach.rainbowgum.jansi.JAnsiConfigurator
No Arg for service loader.
- JansiLogFormatter - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum.jansi
Jansi TTLL formater.
- JansiLogFormatter.Builder - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum.jansi
Jansi log formatter builder.
- JAnsi support - Search tag in Overview
- Section
- java.lang.System.Logger and java.util.logging - Search tag in Overview
- Section
- JsonBuffer - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum.json
A buffer designed for encoding JSON efficiently.
- JsonBuffer(boolean, JsonBuffer.ExtendedFieldPrefix) - Constructor for class io.jstach.rainbowgum.json.JsonBuffer
Create a JSON buffer.
- JsonBuffer.ExtendedFieldPrefix - Enum Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum.json
Extended fields are just fields that have some special prefix for things like GELF and ECS.
- JsonBuffer.JSONToken - Enum Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum.json
JSON tokens.
- JUL - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogMessageFormatter.StandardMessageFormatter
java.util.logging MessageFormat style.
- JUL_DISABLE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.jdk.jul.JULConfigurator
If true will not install the JUL handler.
- JUL_LEVEL_DISABLE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.jdk.jul.JULConfigurator
If true will not set the root loggers level to whatever the curreint rainbow gums global level default is.
- JULConfigurator - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum.jdk.jul
Will install the JUL handler if the
module is available and is not alreadyi installed. - JULConfigurator() - Constructor for class io.jstach.rainbowgum.jdk.jul.JULConfigurator
For service laoder.
- key() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.FoundProperty
The key that was used to find this property.
- key() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.FoundProperty.ListProperty
Returns the value of the
record component. - key() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.FoundProperty.MapProperty
Returns the value of the
record component. - key() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.FoundProperty.StringProperty
Returns the value of the
record component. - key() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Property
Gets the first key.
- key() - Method in exception class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.PropertyConvertException
Property key.
- key() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Error
Returns the value of the
record component. - key() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Success
Original property key where the value was derived from or was passed a fallback.
- key() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Success.PropertySuccess
- key() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Success.ValueSuccess
Returns the value of the
record component. - key(int) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.KeyValues
Low-level key access.
- keyOrNull() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProviderRef
Property key from where the URI came from or
. - keyParameters(String) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Extract key parameters with
. - keys() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Missing
Returns the value of the
record component. - keyValue(String, String) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.Builder
Creates a formatter that will print a single key value in percent encoding (RFC 3986 URI aka the format usually used in
). - keyValues() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEvent
Key values that usually come from MDC or an SLF4J Event Builder.
- keyValues() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.Builder
Creates a formatter that will print ALL of the key values by percent encoding (RFC 3986 URI aka the format usually used in
). - keyValues(KeyValues) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEvent.Builder
Key values that usually come from MDC or an SLF4J Event Builder.
- keyValues(List<String>) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.Builder
Creates a formatter that will print the key values in order of the passed in keys if they exist in percent encoding (RFC 3986 URI aka the format usually used in
). - KeyValues - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Key Value Pairs similar to a
but optimized for memory and less garbage (no iterators). - KeyValues.KeyValuesConsumer<V> - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
A special consumer that avoids lambda garbage.
- KeyValues.MutableKeyValues - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
KeyValues that can be updated.
- keyValuesFormatter(LogFormatter) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.format.AbstractStandardEventFormatter.AbstractBuilder
Sets the key values formatter.
- keyword() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.PatternKeyword
Keyword used in pattern.
- keyword(PatternRegistry.PatternKey, PatternFormatterFactory.KeywordFactory) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternRegistry
Convenience function for
PatternRegistry.register(PatternKey, PatternFormatterFactory)
as keyword factory is a lambda.
- LAST - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.spi.RainbowGumServiceProvider.Pass
The last pass to return true otherwise Rainbow Gum will fail to load.
- leftPad() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.Padding
Returns the value of the
record component. - leftTruncate() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.Padding
Returns the value of the
record component. - level() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEvent
The logging level.
- level() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.Builder
Adds the default level formatter.
- level(System.Logger.Level) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LevelResolver.AbstractBuilder
Sets a level for all loggers.
- level(System.Logger.Level, String) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LevelResolver.AbstractBuilder
Sets a logger to a level.
- LEVEL - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogConfig.ChangePublisher.ChangeType
The logger is allowed to change levels.
- LEVEL - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternRegistry.KeywordKey
- LEVEL_PREFIX - Static variable in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Logging level properties prefix.
- levelFormatter(LogFormatter) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.format.AbstractStandardEventFormatter.AbstractBuilder
Sets the level formatter.
- levelOrNull(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LevelResolver.LevelConfig
Returns a level exactly matching a logger name.
- levelResolver() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogConfig
Level resolver for resolving levels from logger names.
- levelResolver() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogRouter.AbstractRouter
- levelResolver() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogRouter.RootRouter
Level resolver to find levels for a log name.
- levelResolver() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogRouter.Router
Level resolver.
- LevelResolver - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Resolves levels from logger names.
- LevelResolver.AbstractBuilder<T> - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Abstract level resolver builder.
- LevelResolver.Builder - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Level resolver builder.
- LevelResolver.LevelConfig - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
A special resolver that has direct mappings of logger name to level via
. - Level Resolvers - Search tag in Overview
- Section
- Limitations - Search tag in Overview
- Section
- LINE - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternRegistry.KeywordKey
- lineNumber() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEvent.Caller
- LINESEP - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternRegistry.KeywordKey
- lineSeparator() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternConfig
Line separator for %n by default uses
. - lineSeparator(String) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternConfigBuilder
Sets lineSeparator.
- LIST_OUTPUT_SCHEME - Static variable in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutputRegistry
The URI scheme for list provider.
- ListLogOutput - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum.output
An output for debugging.
- ListLogOutput() - Constructor for class io.jstach.rainbowgum.output.ListLogOutput
Creates a list output.
- listOrNull(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Gets a list or null if the key is missing and by default uses
. - ListProperty(LogProperties, String, List<String>) - Constructor for record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.FoundProperty.ListProperty
Creates an instance of a
record class. - listPropertyOrNull(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Find list property or
. - log() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEvent.Builder
Will log the event with the current values.
- log(LogEvent) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.disruptor.DisruptorLogPublisher
- log(LogEvent) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEventLogger
Logs events usually without filtering.
- log(LogEvent) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogRouter.AbstractRouter
- log(LogEvent) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogRouter.Router
- log(LogEvent) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.RainbowGum
This append call is mainly for testing as it does not avoid making events that do not need to be made if no logging needs to be done.
- log(System.Logger.Level, String) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.systemlogger.RainbowGumSystemLogger
- log(System.Logger.Level, String, Throwable) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.systemlogger.RainbowGumSystemLogger
- log(System.Logger.Level, Object) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.systemlogger.RainbowGumSystemLogger
- log(System.Logger.Level, ResourceBundle, String, Object...) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.systemlogger.RainbowGumSystemLogger
- log(System.Logger.Level, ResourceBundle, String, Throwable) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.systemlogger.RainbowGumSystemLogger
- log(System.Logger.Level, Supplier<String>) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.systemlogger.RainbowGumSystemLogger
- log(System.Logger.Level, Supplier<String>, Throwable) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.systemlogger.RainbowGumSystemLogger
- LogAppender - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Appenders are guaranteed to be written synchronously much like an actor in actor concurrency.
- LogAppender.Appenders - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Provides appenders safely to the publisher.
- LogAppender.Builder - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Builder for creating standard appenders.
- LogBuilder<B,
O> - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum -
A marker interface for custom or generated builders.
- LogConfig - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
The configuration of a RainbowGum.
- LogConfig.Builder - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Builder for LogConfig.
- LogConfig.ChangePublisher - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Config Change Publisher.
- LogConfig.ChangePublisher.ChangeType - Enum Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Changing type options.
- LogConfig.ConfigSupport - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Mixin for config support.
- LogConfigurable - Annotation Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum.annotation
Used to generate Rainbow Gum config builder objects that once built will call the method annotated with the properties from the generated builder on build.
- LogConfigurable.ConvertParameter - Annotation Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum.annotation
Wall call a static method on the factory class (the class that contains the annotated
method) with the property value as a string to be converted. - LogConfigurable.DefaultParameter - Annotation Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum.annotation
Use to set static defaults to parameters.
- LogConfigurable.KeyParameter - Annotation Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum.annotation
Use as parameter to property keys with parameters.
- LogConfigurable.PassThroughParameter - Annotation Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum.annotation
A parameter not to be configured with properties that will just pass through to the build method.
- LogEncoder - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Encodes a
into a buffer of its choosing. - LogEncoder.AbstractEncoder<T> - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Abstract encoder that will cast the buffer to the desired implementation.
- LogEncoder.Buffer - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Encoders buffer.
- LogEncoder.Buffer.StringBuilderBuffer - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
A buffer that simply wraps a
. - LogEncoder.BufferHints - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Hints the writer can pass to the encoder for creating buffers like max size and storage style of the buffer etc.
- LogEncoder.EncoderProvider - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Finds output based on URI.
- LogEncoderRegistry - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Encoder registry
- LogEvent - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
A LogEvent is a container for a single call to a logger.
- LogEvent.Builder - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
A builder to create events by calling
LogRouter.eventBuilder(String, Level)
. - LogEvent.Caller - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Caller info usually derived from Stack walking.
- LogEventLogger - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Logs events.
- LogFormatter - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Formats a log event using a
. - LogFormatter.Builder - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Log formatter builder that is composed of other formatters.
- LogFormatter.EventFormatter - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Generic event formatting that is lambda friendly.
- LogFormatter.LevelFormatter - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Formats a
. - LogFormatter.NoopFormatter - Enum Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
A special formatter that will do nothing.
- LogFormatter.StaticFormatter - Record Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
A special formatter that will append static text.
- LogFormatter.ThrowableFormatter - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Formats a throwable.
- LogFormatter.TimestampFormatter - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Formats event timestamps.
- LOGGER - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternRegistry.KeywordKey
- LoggerDecoratorService - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.spi
EXPERIMENTAL: this rainbowgum service provider allows wrapping slf4j loggers created from the logger factory.
- LoggerDecoratorService() - Constructor for class io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.spi.LoggerDecoratorService
No arg constructor for service loader.
- LoggerDecoratorService.DepthAware - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.spi
Because wrapping can change the depth of the logger in the callstack this interface allows loggers to be notified their depth has changed because of
LoggerDecoratorService.decorate(RainbowGum, Logger)
. - loggerName() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEvent
Name of logger.
- loggerName() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.Builder
Adds the default logger name formatter.
- LogLifecycle - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
A component that has a start and stop.
- LogMessageFormatter - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Formats a LogEvent message.
- LogMessageFormatter.StandardMessageFormatter - Enum Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Built-in message formatters.
- LogOutput - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
A resource that can be written to usually in binary.
- LogOutput.AbstractOutputStreamOutput - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Abstract output on output stream.
- LogOutput.ContentType - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
The content type of the binary data passed to the output from an encoder.
- LogOutput.ContentType.StandardContentType - Enum Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Builtin content types.
- LogOutput.OutputProvider - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Finds output based on URI.
- LogOutput.OutputType - Enum Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Output type useful for defaults and categorization.
- LogOutput.ThreadSafeLogOutput - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Marker interface that the output is thread safe.
- LogOutput.WriteMethod - Enum Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
The preferred write style of an output.
- LogOutputRegistry - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Register output providers by URI scheme.
- LogProperties - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Provides String based properties like
for default configuration of logging levels and output. - LogProperties.AbstractBuilder<T> - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Abstract log properties builder.
- LogProperties.Builder - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Builder for properties.
- LogProperties.FoundProperty - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Found property retrieved from
. - LogProperties.FoundProperty.ListProperty - Record Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
A found list property result which includes the exact properties where a value was found.
- LogProperties.FoundProperty.MapProperty - Record Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
A found map property result which includes the exact properties where a value was found.
- LogProperties.FoundProperty.StringProperty - Record Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
A found string property result which includes the exact properties where a value was found.
- LogProperties.MutableLogProperties - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
A log properties that can be mutated like a map.
- LogProperties.MutableLogProperties.Builder - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Mutable Log properties builder.
- LogProperties.StandardProperties - Enum Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Common static log properties such as System properties ane environment variables.
- LogProperty - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
A single property or value.
- LogProperty.AbstractKeysBuilder<B> - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Builds property keys.
- LogProperty.Property<T> - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
A property description that can retrieve a property result by being passed
. - LogProperty.PropertyConvertException - Exception Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Thrown if an error happens while converting a property.
- LogProperty.PropertyFunction<T,
R, - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgumE> -
An error friendly
for converting properties. - LogProperty.PropertyGetter<T> - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Extracts and converts from
and is also an immutable builder forLogProperty.Property
s. - LogProperty.PropertyGetter.ChildPropertyGetter<T> - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Mapped property getter.
- LogProperty.PropertyGetter.RootPropertyGetter - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
A property getter and builder that has no conversion but may prefix the key and search recursively up the key path.
- LogProperty.PropertyKeyBuilder<T> - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Property Builder that can have keys added to try.
- LogProperty.PropertyMissingException - Exception Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Throw if property is missing.
- LogProperty.PropertyProblem - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Parent interface for property exceptions.
- LogProperty.PropertySupport - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Property helper mixin.
- LogProperty.PropertyValue<T> - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
A supplier of a property result.
- LogProperty.RequiredResult<T> - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
A result that is not missing and will either be an error or success.
- LogProperty.Result<T> - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
The result of a property fetched from properties.
- LogProperty.Result.Error<T> - Record Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
A property that was present but failed conversion.
- LogProperty.Result.Missing<T> - Record Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
A property that is missing (
). - LogProperty.Result.Success<T> - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
A property that is present.
- LogProperty.Result.Success.PropertySuccess<T> - Record Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
A property that is present.
- LogProperty.Result.Success.ValueSuccess<T> - Record Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
A property that was not found in properties but had a fallback value supplied.
- LogProperty.ValidationException - Exception Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Thrown if any
is not successful for combined valitation of many properties. - LogProperty.Validator - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
A builder that Validates results.
- LogProvider<T> - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
A factory that may need config to provide.
- LogProvider.ProvisionException - Exception Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Thrown if a provider fails and a description needs to be added.
- LogProviderRef - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Log LogProvider Source.
- LogProviderRef.NotFoundException - Exception Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Thrown if a provider could not be found for the ref.
- LogPublisher - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Publishers push logs to appenders either synchronously or asynchronously.
- LogPublisher.AbstractBuilder<T> - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Abstract publisher builder.
- LogPublisher.AsyncLogPublisher - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Async publisher.
- LogPublisher.AsyncLogPublisher.Builder - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Async publisher builder.
- LogPublisher.PublisherFactory - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
A factory for a publisher from config and appenders.
- LogPublisher.PublisherProvider - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
SPI for custom publishers.
- LogPublisher.SyncLogPublisher - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Synchronous publisher.
- LogPublisher.SyncLogPublisher.Builder - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Synchronous publisher builder.
- LogPublisherRegistry - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Registry of publishers
- LogResponse - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
A container for the response of some sort of request or action.
- LogResponse.Status - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Output Status check.
- LogResponse.Status.ErrorStatus - Record Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Error status.
- LogResponse.Status.StandardStatus - Enum Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Standard status.
- LogRouter - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Routes messages to a publisher by providing a
from a logger name and level. - LogRouter.AbstractRouter - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
A user supplied router usually for filtering or transforming purposes.
- LogRouter.RootRouter - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Root router is a router that has child routers.
- LogRouter.Route - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
A route is similar to a SLF4J Logger or System Logger but has a much simpler contract.
- LogRouter.Route.Routes - Enum Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Route singletons and utilities.
- LogRouter.RouteFlag - Enum Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Router flags for adhoc router customization.
- LogRouter.Router - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Router routes messages to a publisher.
- LogRouter.Router.Builder - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Router builder.
- LogRouter.Router.RouterFactory - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Creates a router.
- MAGENTA - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternRegistry.ColorKey
ANSI magenta color
- map(LogProperty.PropertyFunction<? super T, ? extends U, ? super Exception>) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Property
Maps the property to another value type.
- map(LogProperty.PropertyFunction<? super T, ? extends U, ? super Exception>) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.PropertyGetter
Sets up to converts a value.
- map(LogProperty.PropertyFunction<T, U, ? super Exception>) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.PropertyValue
Map a result
- map(LogProperty.PropertyFunction<T, U, ? super Exception>) - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Error
- map(LogProperty.PropertyFunction<T, U, ? super Exception>) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result
Map a result
- map(LogProperty.PropertyFunction<T, U, ? super Exception>) - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Missing
- map(LogProperty.PropertyFunction<T, U, ? super Exception>) - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Success.PropertySuccess
- map(LogProperty.PropertyFunction<T, U, ? super Exception>) - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Success.ValueSuccess
- mapOrNull(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Gets a map or null if the key is missing and by default uses
. - MapProperty(LogProperties, String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.FoundProperty.MapProperty
Creates an instance of a
record class. - mapPropertyOrNull(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Find map property or
. - mapResult(LogProperty.PropertyFunction<LogProperty.Result.Success<T>, ? extends U, ? super Exception>) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.PropertyGetter
Sets up to converts a value.
- Maven - Search tag in Overview
- Section
- max() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.Padding
Returns the value of the
record component. - maximumSize() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEncoder.BufferHints
Maximum size of the buffer.
- MDC - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternRegistry.KeywordKey
- MEMORY - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutput.OutputType
Output targets in memory.
- message() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEvent
Unformatted message.
- message() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.Builder
Formats the message by calling
. - message() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Error
Returns the value of the
record component. - message() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Missing
Returns the value of the
record component. - message() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogResponse.Status.ErrorStatus
Returns the value of the
record component. - message(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEvent.Builder
Unformatted message.
- MESSAGE - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternRegistry.KeywordKey
- messageFormatter(LogMessageFormatter) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEvent.Builder
Sets the message formatter which interpolates argument place holders.
- METHOD - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternRegistry.KeywordKey
- methodName() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEvent.Caller
- MICROS - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternRegistry.KeywordKey
- MIDDLE - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.spi.RainbowGumServiceProvider.Pass
Second or greater pass but not the last pass.
- min() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.Padding
Returns the value of the
record component. - Missing(List<String>, String) - Constructor for record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Missing
A property that is missing (
- name() - Element in annotation interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.annotation.LogConfigurable
Name of builder.
- name() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogAppender.Builder
Name of the appender.
- name() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogResponse
Configuration name of the component.
- name() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.spi.LoggerDecoratorService
The name of the decorator and should be unique to avoid collisions.
- NAME - Static variable in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
A common key parameter is called name.
- NAMED_OUTPUT_SCHEME - Static variable in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutputRegistry
A meta URI scheme to reference outputs registered somewhere else.
- nameFormatter(LogFormatter) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.format.AbstractStandardEventFormatter.AbstractBuilder
Sets the logger name formatter.
- NETWORK - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutput.OutputType
Output targets something over a network.
- newline() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.Builder
Appends a newline using the platforms line separator.
- next(int) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.KeyValues
Gets the next key index from the passed in previous key index.
- noop() - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter
A special formatter that will do nothing.
- normalizeLevel(System.Logger.Level) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LevelResolver
Will convert ALL to TRACE.
- NotFound - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogRouter.Route.Routes
A route that is a NOOP and is always disabled.
- OBJECT_END - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.json.JsonBuffer.JSONToken
Helper for writing JSON object end: }
- OBJECT_START - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.json.JsonBuffer.JSONToken
Helper for writing JSON object start: {
- of() - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.KeyValues.MutableKeyValues
Empty mutable keys with default pre-allocation.
- of() - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.KeyValues
An immutable empty
. - of() - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.LevelFormatter
Default implementation calls
- of() - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.ThrowableFormatter
Default implementation uses
. - of() - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.TimestampFormatter
Formats timestamp using
. - of() - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.PropertyGetter
Default root property getter.
- of() - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogPublisher.PublisherFactory
Provides the default publisher factory.
- of() - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternConfig
Default config.
- of() - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternRegistry
Creates a pattern registry with the defaults.
- of() - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.RainbowGum
Gets the currently statically bound RainbowGum and will try to load and find one if there is none currently bound.
- of() - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.ServiceRegistry
Creates an empty service registry.
- of(int) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.KeyValues.MutableKeyValues
Creates mutable keys with pre-allocation.
- of(int, int) - Static method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.Padding
Create padding info.
- of(LogFormatter) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEncoder
Creates an encoder from a formatter.
- of(LogFormatter) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternFormatterFactory.KeywordFactory
Creates a keyword factory from a formatter that only cares about padding info.
- of(LogFormatter.EventFormatter) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter
Create a formatter using event formatter that is a lambda so that
LogFormater.of((o, e) -> ...);
works. - of(LogProperty.Result.Success<? extends URI>) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProviderRef
Create a provider ref from a property result.
- of(LogProviderRef) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEncoder
Provides a lazy loaded encoder from a provider ref.
- of(LogProviderRef) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutput
Provides a lazy loaded output from a URI.
- of(Class<?>) - Static method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Validator
Creates a validator based on a builder.
- of(Iterable<? extends LogAppender>, ThreadFactory, int) - Static method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.disruptor.DisruptorLogPublisher
- of(StackWalker.StackFrame) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEvent.Caller
Creates caller info from a stack frame.
- of(String) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogPublisher.PublisherFactory
Provides a publisher factory by URI.
- of(String) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternRegistry.PatternKey
Creates a pattern key of one key name.
- of(StringBuilder) - Static method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEncoder.Buffer.StringBuilderBuffer
Creates a StringBuilder based buffer.
- of(String, LogRouter) - Static method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.systemlogger.RainbowGumSystemLogger
Provides a system logger that will use the given root router.
- of(String, String...) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternRegistry.PatternKey
Creates a pattern key of one key and aliases.
- of(String, URI, String, Boolean, Boolean, Integer) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.output.FileOutput
Creates file output.
- of(System.Logger.Level, String, String, KeyValues, LogMessageFormatter, Object) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEvent
Creates a log event.
- of(System.Logger.Level, String, String, KeyValues, LogMessageFormatter, Object, Object) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEvent
Creates a log event.
- of(System.Logger.Level, String, String, KeyValues, Throwable) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEvent
Creates a log event.
- of(System.Logger.Level, String, String, Throwable) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEvent
Creates a log event.
- of(URI) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEncoder
Provides a lazy loaded encoder from a URI.
- of(URI) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProviderRef
Creates a log provider ref from URI.
- of(URI) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogPublisher.PublisherFactory
Provides a publisher factory by URI.
- of(URI, String) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProviderRef
Creates a log provider ref from URI.
- of(URI, String, LogProperties) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Creates log properties from a URI query and provided properties.
- of(URI, String, LogProperties, String) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Creates log properties from a URI query and provided properties.
- of(DateTimeFormatter) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.TimestampFormatter
Formats a timestamp using standard JDK date time formatter.
- of(Collection<? extends LevelResolver.LevelConfig>) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LevelResolver.LevelConfig
Creates a level config from a list of level configs.
- of(Consumer<GelfEncoderBuilder>) - Static method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.json.encoder.GelfEncoder
Creates a GELF encoder using a lambda for easier registration.
- of(Consumer<FileOutputBuilder>) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.output.FileOutput
Creates a file output provider from lambda builder.
- of(Consumer<PatternCompiler.Builder>) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternCompiler
Creates a pattern compiler provider from a builder lambda.
- of(Consumer<PatternEncoderBuilder>) - Static method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternEncoder
Creates a pattern encoder with name of the parent component and will use the properties from the provided config.
- of(Function<LogEvent, LogEvent>) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogRouter.Router.RouterFactory
Creates a router from a function.
- of(List<? extends LogProperties>) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Creates log properties from many log properties.
- of(List<? extends LogProperties>, LogProperties) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Creates log properties from many log properties.
- of(Map<String, String>) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.KeyValues.MutableKeyValues
Copies a map into
. - of(Map<String, String>) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.KeyValues
Creates an immutable key values by copying a Map.
- of(U) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProvider
Creates a provider of instance that is already configured.
- ofAll(Instant, String, long, System.Logger.Level, String, String, KeyValues, Throwable, LogMessageFormatter, Object[]) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEvent
Creates a log event with everything specified.
- ofAll(Instant, String, long, System.Logger.Level, String, String, KeyValues, Throwable, LogMessageFormatter, List<Object>) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEvent
Creates a log event with everything specified.
- ofArgs(System.Logger.Level, String, String, KeyValues, LogMessageFormatter, Object[]) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEvent
Creates a log event.
- ofAsync(Integer) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogPublisher.PublisherFactory
Provides the default async publisher.
- ofBoolean() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.PropertyGetter.RootPropertyGetter
A boolean property getter.
- ofDepthOrNull(int) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEvent.Caller
Returns caller from a certain depth or
- off() - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LevelResolver
A level resolver that is off.
- ofInt() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.PropertyGetter.RootPropertyGetter
An integer property getter.
- ofISO() - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.TimestampFormatter
Formats a timestamp using ISO format.
- ofLevel(LogEventLogger, System.Logger.Level) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogRouter
Creates a static router based on the level.
- ofList() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.PropertyGetter.RootPropertyGetter
A list property that will use
. - ofMap() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.PropertyGetter.RootPropertyGetter
A Map property that will use
. - ofMicros() - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.TimestampFormatter
Micro seconds over the events last second.
- ofProvider(LogProperty.PropertyFunction<? super LogProviderRef, LogProvider<U>, ? super Exception>) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.PropertyGetter.RootPropertyGetter
A URI based provider reference for component provision.
- ofProviderRef() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.PropertyGetter.RootPropertyGetter
A URI based provider reference for component provision.
- ofRightPadded() - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.LevelFormatter
Default implementation calls
- ofStandardErr() - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutput
Standard err output.
- ofStandardOut() - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutput
Standard out output.
- ofSync() - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogPublisher.PublisherFactory
Provides the default registered sync publisher.
- ofUniversal() - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternConfig
Platform independent formatter config that will not change across timezones or platforms.
- ofURI() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.PropertyGetter.RootPropertyGetter
A URI property getter that parses URIs.
- OK - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogResponse.Status.StandardStatus
- onClose(AutoCloseable) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.ServiceRegistry
Add a closeable to close on close in LIFO order.
- opt(int, String) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.PatternKeyword
Helper to get values from
- opt(int, T, Function<String, T>) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.PatternKeyword
Helper to get values from
. - optional() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result
Convenience that turns a value into an optional.
- optional() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.RainbowGum.Builder
For returning an optional for the LogProvider contract.
- optional(Function<? super LogConfig, Boolean>) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.RainbowGum.Builder
For returning an optional for the LogProvider contract.
- optionList() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.PatternKeyword
Parameters passed in
... - optOrNull(int) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.PatternKeyword
Helper to get values from
. - optOrNull(int, Function<String, T>) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.PatternKeyword
Helper to get values from
. - or(T) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.PropertyValue
Returns the current result if fallback is null or returns fallback as a result if this result is missing.
- or(T) - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Error
- or(T) - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Missing
- or(T) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result
Returns the current result if fallback is null or returns fallback as a result if this result is missing.
- or(T) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Success
- or(Supplier<T>) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.PropertyValue
Returns the current result if success or error otherwise fallback supplier is used.
- or(Supplier<T>) - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Error
- or(Supplier<T>) - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Missing
- or(Supplier<T>) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result
Returns the current result if success or error otherwise fallback supplier is used.
- or(Supplier<T>) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Success
- order() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
When log properties are coalesced this method is used to resolve order.
- order() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.spi.LoggerDecoratorService
Lowest integer value will decorate first which means the highest order found actually has the strongest influence on filtering since its returned logger is the one used.
- order(int) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.AbstractBuilder
When log properties are coalesced this method is used to resolve order.
- orElse(T) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.PropertyGetter
Fallback to value if property not found.
- orElseGet(Supplier<? extends T>) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.PropertyGetter
Fallback to value if property not found.
- output(LogOutput) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogAppender.Builder
Sets output.
- output(LogProvider<? extends LogOutput>) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogAppender.Builder
Sets output.
- output(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutputRegistry
Finds an output by name.
- OUTPUT_PREFIX - Static variable in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Logging output prefix for configuration.
- outputRegistry() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogConfig
Output provider that uses URI to find output.
- Outputs - Search tag in Overview
- Section
- override(T) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.PropertyValue
Overrides the result with a value if it is not
regardless if the original Result is an error or not.
- padding() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.PatternKeyword
Padding information
- Padding - Record Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern
FormattingInfo instances contain the information obtained when parsing formatting modifiers in conversion modifiers.
- Padding(int, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.Padding
Creates an instance of a
record class. - padLeft(StringBuilder, CharSequence, int) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter
Pads the left hand side of text with space.
- padRight(StringBuilder, CharSequence, int) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter
Pads the right hand side of text with space.
- PARAMETER_PATTERN - Static variable in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Property prefix parameter pattern.
- parent() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.PropertyGetter.ChildPropertyGetter
- parse(String) - Static method in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.systemlogger.RainbowGumSystemLoggerFinder.InitOption
Parses an init option from a property value.
- parseLevel(String) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LevelResolver
Parses a Level from a string.
- parseList(String) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Parses a list of strings from a string that is percent encoded for escaping (application/x-www-form-urlencoded) where the separator can be either "
" or ",
". - parseMap(String) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Parses a URI query formatted string to a Map.
- parseMultiMap(String) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Parses a URI query for a multiple value map.
- parseUriQuery(String, BiConsumer<String, String>) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Parse a URI query in application/x-www-form-urlencoded format useful for parsing properties values that have key values embedded in them.
- PASSES - Static variable in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.spi.RainbowGumServiceProvider
The default amount of passes made to resolve registrators or configurators.
- password(String) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.rabbitmq.RabbitMQOutputBuilder
Sets password.
- pattern(String) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternEncoderBuilder
Sets required pattern.
- PATTERN_CONFIG_PREFIX - Static variable in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternConfig
Formatter properties prefix
- PATTERN_SCHEME - Static variable in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternEncoder
Pattern encoder URI provider scheme.
- patternCompiler(PatternCompiler) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternEncoderBuilder
Sets patternCompiler.
- PatternCompiler - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format
Compiles a pattern into a formatter.
- PatternCompiler.Builder - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format
Builder for
. - patternConfig(PatternConfig) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternCompiler.Builder
Formatting config that has platform config like time zone etc.
- PatternConfig - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format
Pattern Config needed for pattern keywords that is generally platform specific.
- PatternConfigBuilder - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format
Builder to create
. - PatternConfigBuilder(String) - Constructor for class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternConfigBuilder
Create a builder for
. - PatternConfigurator - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format
Configures Logback style pattern encoders and offers provision with the URI scheme "pattern".
- PatternConfigurator() - Constructor for class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternConfigurator
For service loader to call.
- PatternEncoder - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format
Factory for pattern encoders.
- PatternEncoderBuilder - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format
Builder to create
. - PatternEncoderBuilder(String) - Constructor for class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternEncoderBuilder
Create a builder for
. - Pattern Formatter - Search tag in Overview
- Section
- PatternFormatterFactory - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format
Creates formatters from pattern keywords and are registered to a
. - PatternFormatterFactory.CompositeFactory - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format
A composite formatter factory expects possible children.
- PatternFormatterFactory.KeywordFactory - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format
A keyword formatter factory expects keywords and option list.
- PatternKeyword - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern
A pattern keyword instance is the content of percent encoded keywords in a pattern.
- PatternKeywordProvider - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.spi
Extend for a service provider that will register custom keywords.
- PatternKeywordProvider() - Constructor for class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.spi.PatternKeywordProvider
Called by service loader.
- patternRegistry(PatternRegistry) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternCompiler.Builder
Pattern keyword registry.
- PatternRegistry - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format
Pattern registry to register custom keywords.
- PatternRegistry.ColorKey - Enum Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format
Built-in supported color pattern keys.
- PatternRegistry.KeywordKey - Enum Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format
Built-in supported pattern keys.
- PatternRegistry.PatternKey - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format
Pattern keywords.
- port(Integer) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.rabbitmq.RabbitMQOutputBuilder
Sets port.
- prefix() - Element in annotation interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.annotation.LogConfigurable
Property prefix to use for property lookup.
- prettyPrint(KeyValues, StringBuilder) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.KeyValues
Pretty prints key values.
- prettyPrint(Boolean) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.json.encoder.GelfEncoderBuilder
Sets prettyPrint.
- priority() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.spi.RainbowGumServiceProvider.RainbowGumProvider
If there are multiple rainbow gum providers found the higher priority ones are tried first (
). - Project Information - Search tag in Overview
- Section
- properties() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogConfig.ConfigSupport
- properties() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogConfig
String key value properties.
- properties() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.FoundProperty.ListProperty
Returns the value of the
record component. - properties() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.FoundProperty.MapProperty
Returns the value of the
record component. - properties() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.FoundProperty
The originating exact properties that the value was found on.
- properties() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.FoundProperty.StringProperty
Returns the value of the
record component. - properties() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.PropertySupport
String key value properties.
- properties(LogProperties) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogConfig.Builder
Sets log properties
- PropertiesParser - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
Writes and parses properties.
- propertiesProvider(RainbowGumServiceProvider.PropertiesProvider) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogConfig.Builder
Add properties.
- property() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Success.PropertySuccess
Returns the value of the
record component. - propertyPrefix() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.json.encoder.GelfEncoderBuilder
The interpolated property prefix: "logging.encoder.{name}.".
- propertyPrefix() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogBuilder
The property prefix used to resolve which properties to extract from LogProperties.
- propertyPrefix() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.output.FileOutputBuilder
The interpolated property prefix: "logging.output.{name}.".
- propertyPrefix() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternConfigBuilder
The interpolated property prefix: "logging.pattern.config.{name}.".
- propertyPrefix() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternEncoderBuilder
The interpolated property prefix: "logging.encoder.{name}.".
- propertyPrefix() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.rabbitmq.RabbitMQOutputBuilder
The interpolated property prefix: "logging.output.{name}.".
- propertyString(String) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.PropertyGetter.RootPropertyGetter
- propertyString(T) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Property
Converts the value into a String that can be parsed by the built-in properties parsing of types.
- propertyString(T) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.PropertyGetter.ChildPropertyGetter
- propertyString(T) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.PropertyGetter
Converts the value into a String that can be parsed by the built-in properties parsing of types.
- PropertySuccess(LogProperties.FoundProperty, T) - Constructor for record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Success.PropertySuccess
Successfully found property value.
- provide() - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.spi.RainbowGumServiceProvider
Will load all RainbowGum SPI to create a RainbowGum powered from the ServiceLoader.
- provide(LogConfig) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.spi.RainbowGumServiceProvider.RainbowGumProvider
Optionally provides a rainbow gum based on config.
- provide(LogProviderRef) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEncoder.EncoderProvider
Loads an encoder from a URI.
- provide(LogProviderRef) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutput.OutputProvider
Creates an output ready to be injected with config.
- provide(String, LogConfig) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProvider
Creates the component from config.
- provide(URI, String, LogProperties) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogPublisher.PublisherProvider
Provides a publisher factory by properties and uri.
- provideConfig(ServiceLoader<RainbowGumServiceProvider>) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.spi.RainbowGumServiceProvider
Creates config from service loader.
- provideOrNull(LogProvider<U>, String, LogConfig) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProvider
Convenience for flattening nullable providers.
- provideProperties(ServiceRegistry) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.avaje.AvajePropertiesProvider
- provideProperties(ServiceRegistry) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.spi.RainbowGumServiceProvider.PropertiesProvider
Provides properties and or register services.
- provider(LogProperty.PropertyFunction<T, LogProvider<U>, ? super Exception>) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.PropertyKeyBuilder
Creates a provider that will replace
property key parameters. - prudent(Boolean) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.output.FileOutputBuilder
Sets prudent.
- publish() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogConfig.ChangePublisher
Publish that there has been changes.
- publisher() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogRouter.AbstractRouter
- publisher() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogRouter.Router
Log publisher.
- publisher(LogPublisher.PublisherFactory) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogRouter.Router.Builder
Sets the publisher.
- PUBLISHER_PREFIX - Static variable in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Logging publisher prefix for configuration.
- publisherRegistry() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogConfig
Provides publishers by URI scheme.
- Publishers - Search tag in Overview
- Section
- put(Class<T>, String, T) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.ServiceRegistry
Puts a service.
- put(Class<T>, T) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.ServiceRegistry
Puts a service.
- put(String, String) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.MutableLogProperties
Assigns key to a value.
- putAll(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.KeyValues.MutableKeyValues
Same as
. - putIfAbsent(Class<T>, String, Supplier<T>) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.ServiceRegistry
Puts a service if absent.
- putIfAbsent(Class<T>, Supplier<T>) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.ServiceRegistry
Puts a service if absent.
- putKeyValue(String, String) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.KeyValues.MutableKeyValues
Same as
Map.put(Object, Object)
- QUOTE - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.json.JsonBuffer.JSONToken
Helper for writing JSON quote: "
- RabbitMQInitializer - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum.rabbitmq
RabbitMQ initializer to register output provider with scheme "amqp".
- RabbitMQInitializer() - Constructor for class io.jstach.rainbowgum.rabbitmq.RabbitMQInitializer
Default constructor for service loader.
- RabbitMQOutput - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum.rabbitmq
RabbitMQ Output that will write publish messages to a given exchange with a given routing key.
- RabbitMQOutputBuilder - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum.rabbitmq
Builder to create
. - RabbitMQOutputBuilder(String) - Constructor for class io.jstach.rainbowgum.rabbitmq.RabbitMQOutputBuilder
Create a builder for
. - RainbowGum - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
The main entry point and configuration of RainbowGum logging.
- RainbowGum.Builder - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum
RainbowGum Builder.
- RainbowGumAppLog - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum.avaje
Provides an Avaje logger to use RainbowGum global queue to avoid initialization issues.
- RainbowGumAppLog() - Constructor for class io.jstach.rainbowgum.avaje.RainbowGumAppLog
For service loader.
- RainbowGumServiceProvider - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum.spi
RainbowGum SPI.
- RainbowGumServiceProvider.Configurator - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum.spi
Called after
has been loaded to do various custom initialization like registeringLogOutput.OutputProvider
s. - RainbowGumServiceProvider.Pass - Enum Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum.spi
Providers sometimes need multiple passes to support dependencies without using true dependency injection.
- RainbowGumServiceProvider.PropertiesProvider - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum.spi
Provides properties and or register services.
- RainbowGumServiceProvider.RainbowGumProvider - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum.spi
Implement to create a custom RainbowGum.
- RainbowGumSLF4JServiceProvider - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j
SLF4J provider using RainbowGum.
- RainbowGumSLF4JServiceProvider() - Constructor for class io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.RainbowGumSLF4JServiceProvider
No Arg for service laoder.
- RainbowGumSystemLogger - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum.systemlogger
Rainbow Gum System Logger implementation.
- RainbowGumSystemLoggerFinder - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum.systemlogger
Abstract System Logger Finder to allow users to create their own custom System.LoggerFinder.
- RainbowGumSystemLoggerFinder.InitOption - Enum Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum.systemlogger
Values (case is ignored) for "logging.systemlogger.intialize".
- readProperties(String) - Static method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.PropertiesParser
Read properties.
- RED - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternRegistry.ColorKey
ANSI red color
- register(PatternRegistry.PatternKey, PatternFormatterFactory) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternRegistry
Registers a pattern key with a formatter factory.
- register(String, LogEncoder.EncoderProvider) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEncoderRegistry
Registers an encoder by uri scheme.
- register(String, LogOutput.OutputProvider) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutputRegistry
Register a provider by
. - register(String, LogPublisher.PublisherProvider) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogPublisherRegistry
Register a publisher provider by URI scheme.
- remove(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.KeyValues.MutableKeyValues
Same as
. - removeKeyPrefix(String) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.AbstractBuilder
Removes the prefix from a key before it accesses the underlying properties.
- removeKeyPrefix(String, String) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Remove key prefix from the key.
- renameKey(Function<String, String>) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.AbstractBuilder
Renames the key before it accesses function.
- reopen() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutput
Attempts to reopen the output if supported and SHOULD only be called by the appender! This call is mainly used for external log rotation systems such as logrotate or an aggregator agent.
- reopen() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutputRegistry
Attempts to reopen all outputs of a certain type usually for log rotation.
- require(T) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Property
Programmatically check if a value that corresponds to this property is not null.
- Requirements - Search tag in Overview
- Section
- resolveLevel(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LevelResolver.LevelConfig
- resolveLevel(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LevelResolver
Determines what level the logger should be at.
- resolver(LevelResolver) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LevelResolver.Builder
Adds a level resolver to the end of the resolve list.
- REUSE - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.systemlogger.RainbowGumSystemLoggerFinder.InitOption
Will reuse an existing rainbow gum or fail.
- rightPadded(System.Logger.Level) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.LevelFormatter
Turns a Level into a SLF4J like level String that is all upper case and same length with right padding.
- Rolling Files - Search tag in Overview
- Section
- ROOT_PREFIX - Static variable in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Logging properties prefix.
- route(LogRouter.Router) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.RainbowGum.Builder
Adds a router.
- route(String, System.Logger.Level) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogRouter.AbstractRouter
- route(String, System.Logger.Level) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogRouter
Finds a route.
- route(String, Consumer<LogRouter.Router.Builder>) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.RainbowGum.Builder
Adds a route by using a consumer of the route builder.
- route(Consumer<LogRouter.Router.Builder>) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.RainbowGum.Builder
Adds a route by using a consumer of the route builder.
- ROUTE_APPENDERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Appenders associated with a route comma separated.
- ROUTE_FLAGS_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Route flags.
- ROUTE_LEVEL_PREFIX - Static variable in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Logging level properties prefix.
- ROUTE_PREFIX - Static variable in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Route prefix for configuration.
- ROUTE_PUBLISHER_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Logging publisher URI property.
- router() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.RainbowGum
The router that will route log messages to publishers.
- Router - Search tag in Overview
- Section
- ROUTES_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Routes enabled with names comma separated.
- routingKey(Function<LogEvent, String>) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.rabbitmq.RabbitMQOutputBuilder
Sets routingKey.
- runConfigurators(Stream<? extends RainbowGumServiceProvider.Configurator>, LogConfig) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.spi.RainbowGumServiceProvider.Configurator
Runs configurators.
- SEMI - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.json.JsonBuffer.JSONToken
Helper for writing semicolon: :
- SEP - Static variable in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
properties separator.
- serviceLoader() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogConfig.Builder
Sets a default service loader to use for loading components that were not set.
- serviceLoader(ServiceLoader<RainbowGumServiceProvider>) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogConfig.Builder
Sets the service loader to use for loading components that were not set.
- serviceRegistry() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogConfig
Service registry are custom services needed by plugins particularly during the initialization process.
- serviceRegistry(ServiceRegistry) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogConfig.Builder
Sets service registry
- ServiceRegistry - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum
A simple service locator for initialization purposes and external services provided by plugins.
- set() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.RainbowGum.Builder
Builds, starts and sets the RainbowGum as the global one picked up by logging facades.
- set(Supplier<RainbowGum>) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.RainbowGum
Sets the global default RainbowGum.
- set(T, BiConsumer<String, T>) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Property
Set a property if its not null.
- setConsumer(BiConsumer<LogEvent, String>) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.output.ListLogOutput
Sets a consumer for testing purposes.
- setDepth(int, int) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.spi.LoggerDecoratorService.DepthAware
Sets the depth information.
- setEncoderForOutputType(LogOutput.OutputType, Supplier<? extends LogEncoder>) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEncoderRegistry
Sets a default formatter for a specific output type.
- SHUTDOWN - Static variable in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogLifecycle
Special event message that serves as a poison pill for shutdown.
- size() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.KeyValues
Analogous to
. - SLF4J - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogMessageFormatter.StandardMessageFormatter
SLF4J format style where "
" is replaced with the parameters. - SLF4J 2.0 - Search tag in Overview
- Section
- SLF4J based filtering - Search tag in Overview
- Section
- space() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.Builder
Appends a space.
- Spring Boot - Search tag in Overview
- Section
- StandardEventFormatter - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum.format
A TTLL formatter that has the layout of TTLL - Time, Thread, Level, Logger but allows changing the format of time, thread, level, logger, etc.
- StandardEventFormatter.Builder - Class in io.jstach.rainbowgum.format
Builder for
aka TTLL formatter. - start() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.KeyValues
Returns the index of the first key.
- start() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.RainbowGum
Starts the rainbow gum and returns it.
- start(LogConfig) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.disruptor.DisruptorLogPublisher
- start(LogConfig) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogLifecycle
Starts a component.
- start(LogConfig) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutput
- start(LogConfig) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogRouter.AbstractRouter
- start(LogConfig) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.rabbitmq.RabbitMQOutput
- StaticFormatter(String) - Constructor for record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.StaticFormatter
Creates an instance of a
record class. - status() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogResponse
Status of the response.
- STDERR_SCHEME - Static variable in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutput
URI scheme. - STDERR_URI - Static variable in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutput
Standard ERR URI
- STDOUT_SCHEME - Static variable in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutput
URI scheme. - STDOUT_URI - Static variable in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutput
Standard OUT URI.
- STRING - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutput.WriteMethod
Prefer calling
LogOutput.write(LogEvent, String)
. - stringBuilder - Variable in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEncoder.Buffer.StringBuilderBuffer
Underlying StringBuilder.
- StringProperty(LogProperties, String, String) - Constructor for record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.FoundProperty.StringProperty
Creates an instance of a
record class. - stringPropertyOrNull(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Find string property or
. - subscribe(Consumer<? super LogConfig>) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogConfig.ChangePublisher
Subscribe to changes.
- sync() - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogPublisher.PublisherFactory
Sync builder.
- SYNC_SCHEME - Static variable in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogPublisherRegistry
This is the URI scheme for the sync publisher builder to find a sync publisher.
- synchronous() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogPublisher.AsyncLogPublisher
- synchronous() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogPublisher
If the publisher is synchronous.
- synchronous() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogPublisher.SyncLogPublisher
- synchronous() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogRouter.AbstractRouter
- synchronous() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogRouter.Router
Whether or not the publisher is synchronous.
- SYSTEM_PROPERTIES - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.StandardProperties
- text(String) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.Builder
Appends static text.
- TEXT_PLAIN - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutput.ContentType.StandardContentType
- There is a typo in this documentation how can I fix it? - Search tag in Overview
- Section
- THREAD - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternRegistry.KeywordKey
- threadFormatter(LogFormatter) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.format.AbstractStandardEventFormatter.AbstractBuilder
Sets thread formatter.
- threadId() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEvent
Thread id.
- threadId() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.Builder
Appends a thread ID :
. - threadId(long) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEvent.Builder
Thread id.
- threadName() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEvent
Name of the thread.
- threadName() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.Builder
Appends a thread name :
. - threadName(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEvent.Builder
Name of the thread.
- throwable() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.Builder
Appends the events throwable stack trace.
- throwable(Throwable) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEvent.Builder
Throwable at the time of the event passed from the logger.
- THROWABLE - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternRegistry.KeywordKey
- throwableFormatter(LogFormatter) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.format.AbstractStandardEventFormatter.AbstractBuilder
Sets the throwable formatter.
- throwableFormatter(LogFormatter.ThrowableFormatter) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.format.AbstractStandardEventFormatter.AbstractBuilder
Sets the throwable formatter.
- throwableOrNull() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEvent
Throwable at the time of the event passed from the logger.
- timestamp() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEvent
Timestamp when the event was created.
- timestamp(Instant) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEvent.Builder
Timestamp when the event was created.
- timeStamp() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.Builder
Append the timestamp in ISO format.
- timeStamp(DateTimeFormatter) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.Builder
Formatter for
derived from standardDateTimeFormatter
. - timestampFormatter(LogFormatter) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.format.AbstractStandardEventFormatter.AbstractBuilder
Sets timestamp formatter.
- toProperties(BiConsumer<String, String>) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.json.encoder.GelfEncoderBuilder
Turns the builder into java.util.Properties like Map skipping values that are null.
- toProperties(BiConsumer<String, String>) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.output.FileOutputBuilder
Turns the builder into java.util.Properties like Map skipping values that are null.
- toProperties(BiConsumer<String, String>) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternConfigBuilder
Turns the builder into java.util.Properties like Map skipping values that are null.
- toProperties(BiConsumer<String, String>) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternEncoderBuilder
Turns the builder into java.util.Properties like Map skipping values that are null.
- toProperties(BiConsumer<String, String>) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.rabbitmq.RabbitMQOutputBuilder
Turns the builder into java.util.Properties like Map skipping values that are null.
- toString() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.StaticFormatter
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.FoundProperty.ListProperty
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.FoundProperty.MapProperty
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.FoundProperty.StringProperty
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Error
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Missing
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Success.PropertySuccess
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Success.ValueSuccess
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogResponse.Status.ErrorStatus
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogRouter.AbstractRouter
- toString() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.output.ListLogOutput
- toString() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.Padding
Returns a string representation of this record class.
- toString(System.Logger.Level) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.LevelFormatter
Turns a Level into a SLF4J like level String that is all upper case.
- trace(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- trace(String, Object) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- trace(String, Object...) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- trace(String, Object, Object) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- trace(String, Throwable) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- trace(Marker, String) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- trace(Marker, String, Object) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- trace(Marker, String, Object...) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- trace(Marker, String, Object, Object) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- trace(Marker, String, Throwable) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- TRUE - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.systemlogger.RainbowGumSystemLoggerFinder.InitOption
Will initialize rainbow gum.
- TTLL_TIME_FORMAT - Static variable in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.TimestampFormatter
The default timestamp format used in many logging frameworks which does not have dates and only time at millisecond precision.
- type() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutput
Gross categorization of an output.
- type() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.output.FileOutput
- type() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.output.ListLogOutput
- type() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.rabbitmq.RabbitMQOutput
- UNDERSCORE - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.json.JsonBuffer.ExtendedFieldPrefix
"_" Underscore prefix
- uri() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutput.AbstractOutputStreamOutput
- uri() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutput
The uri of the output.
- uri() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProviderRef
URI of the log provider.
- uri() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.output.ListLogOutput
- uri() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.rabbitmq.RabbitMQOutput
- uri(URI) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.output.FileOutputBuilder
Sets uri.
- uri(URI) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.rabbitmq.RabbitMQOutputBuilder
Sets uri.
- URI_SCHEME - Static variable in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.rabbitmq.RabbitMQOutput
The rabbitmq URI scheme for configuration.
- User Guide - Search tag in Overview
- Section
- username(String) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.rabbitmq.RabbitMQOutputBuilder
Sets username.
- Using RainbowGum Builders - Search tag in Overview
- Section
- Using System properties - Search tag in Overview
- Section
- validate() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Validator
Validates the currently added results and if any are error or missing an exception will be thrown.
- validate(Class<?>, List<LogProperty.Result<?>>) - Static method in exception class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.ValidationException
Validates a list of results and throws
if any results are notLogProperty.Result.Success
. - validateKey(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.PropertyGetter
Validates the key is correctly prefixed.
- validateKeyParameters(String, Set<String>) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Validate key parameters.
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.annotation.LogConfigurable.ConvertParameter
Static method on target type to call to convert the parameter.
- value() - Element in annotation interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.annotation.LogConfigurable.DefaultParameter
Will use use a static field on the factory class (the class that contains the annotated
method) as a default value if missing from properties or not set. - value() - Element in annotation interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.annotation.LogConfigurable.KeyParameter
Use as parameter to a property name specified in
. - value() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.FoundProperty.ListProperty
Returns the value of the
record component. - value() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.FoundProperty.MapProperty
Returns the value of the
record component. - value() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.FoundProperty.StringProperty
Returns the value of the
record component. - value() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.PropertyValue
Gets the value and will fail with
if there is no value. - value() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Error
- value() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Missing
- value() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Success.PropertySuccess
Returns the value of the
record component. - value() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Success
Gets the value and will never fail for Success.
- value() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Success.ValueSuccess
Returns the value of the
record component. - value() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result
Gets the value and will fail with
if there is no value. - value(T) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result
Gets a value if there if not uses the fallback if not null otherwise throws an exception.
- value(LogProperty.Property<T>) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.PropertySupport
Gets the value for the property.
- value(Supplier<? extends T>) - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Error
- value(Supplier<? extends T>) - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Missing
- value(Supplier<? extends T>) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Success
- value(Supplier<? extends T>) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result
Gets a value if there if not uses the fallback if not null otherwise throws an exception.
- valueDescription() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.FoundProperty.ListProperty
- valueDescription() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.FoundProperty.MapProperty
- valueDescription() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.FoundProperty.StringProperty
- valueDescription() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.FoundProperty
A string representation of the value that this property has usually for error descriptions.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.json.JsonBuffer.ExtendedFieldPrefix
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.json.JsonBuffer.JSONToken
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogConfig.ChangePublisher.ChangeType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.NoopFormatter
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogMessageFormatter.StandardMessageFormatter
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutput.ContentType.StandardContentType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutput.OutputType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutput.WriteMethod
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.StandardProperties
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogResponse.Status.StandardStatus
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogRouter.Route.Routes
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogRouter.RouteFlag
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternRegistry.ColorKey
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternRegistry.KeywordKey
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.Padding
This method is used to parse a string such as "5", ".7", "5.7" or "-5.7" into a Padding.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.spi.RainbowGumServiceProvider.Pass
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.systemlogger.RainbowGumSystemLoggerFinder.InitOption
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
- valueOrNull() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Error
- valueOrNull() - Method in record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Missing
- valueOrNull() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Success
- valueOrNull() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result
Gets the value.
- valueOrNull(int) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.KeyValues
Low-level key access.
- valueOrNull(T) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result
Gets a value if there is if not uses the fallback.
- valueOrNull(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties
Analogous to
. - values() - Static method in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.json.JsonBuffer.ExtendedFieldPrefix
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.json.JsonBuffer.JSONToken
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogConfig.ChangePublisher.ChangeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogFormatter.NoopFormatter
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogMessageFormatter.StandardMessageFormatter
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutput.ContentType.StandardContentType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutput.OutputType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutput.WriteMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.StandardProperties
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogResponse.Status.StandardStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogRouter.Route.Routes
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogRouter.RouteFlag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternRegistry.ColorKey
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternRegistry.KeywordKey
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.spi.RainbowGumServiceProvider.Pass
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.systemlogger.RainbowGumSystemLoggerFinder.InitOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
- ValueSuccess(String, T) - Constructor for record class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.Result.Success.ValueSuccess
Successfully found property value.
- virtualHost(String) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.rabbitmq.RabbitMQOutputBuilder
Sets virtualHost.
- warn(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- warn(String, Object) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- warn(String, Object...) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- warn(String, Object, Object) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- warn(String, Throwable) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- warn(Marker, String) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- warn(Marker, String, Object) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- warn(Marker, String, Object...) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- warn(Marker, String, Object, Object) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- warn(Marker, String, Throwable) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j.ForwardingLogger
- Where is the Javadoc? - Search tag in Overview
- Section
- WHITE - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternRegistry.ColorKey
ANSI white color
- with(LogProperties) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.AbstractBuilder
Add a fallback properties.
- with(Consumer<? super LogConfig.Builder>) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogConfig.Builder
Configures the builder with a function for ergonomics.
- with(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperties.MutableLogProperties.Builder
Sets the backing mutable map.
- withCaller(LogEvent, LogEvent.Caller) - Static method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEvent
Creates a new event with the caller info attached.
- withKey(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.PropertyGetter
Creates a property builder with the given first key.
- withPrefix(String) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.PropertyGetter.RootPropertyGetter
Will prefix key.
- withSearch(String) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.PropertyGetter.RootPropertyGetter
Will search with prefix.
- WrappingLogger - Interface in io.jstach.rainbowgum.slf4j
A marker interface to check if it is a logger that is decorating.
- write(JsonBuffer.JSONToken) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.json.JsonBuffer
Writes a JSON token.
- write(LogEvent[], int, LogEncoder) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutput
Write a batch of events by default calls
LogOutput.write(LogEvent[], int, LogEncoder, Buffer)
. - write(LogEvent[], int, LogEncoder, LogEncoder.Buffer) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutput
Write a batch of events reusing the provided buffer and by default calling
LogOutput.write(LogEvent, Buffer)
for each event synchronously. - write(LogEvent, byte[], int, int, LogOutput.ContentType) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutput.AbstractOutputStreamOutput
- write(LogEvent, byte[], int, int, LogOutput.ContentType) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutput
Analogous to
OutputStream.write(byte[], int, int)
. - write(LogEvent, byte[], int, int, LogOutput.ContentType) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.output.ListLogOutput
- write(LogEvent, byte[], int, int, LogOutput.ContentType) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.rabbitmq.RabbitMQOutput
- write(LogEvent, byte[], LogOutput.ContentType) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutput
Analogous to
. - write(LogEvent, byte[], LogOutput.ContentType) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.rabbitmq.RabbitMQOutput
- write(LogEvent, LogEncoder.Buffer) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutput
Writes a prepared buffer and by default drains the buffer to this output.
- write(LogEvent, String) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutput
Writes a string and by default with charset
. - write(LogEvent, String) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.output.ListLogOutput
- write(LogEvent, ByteBuffer, LogOutput.ContentType) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutput
Write event with byte buffer.
- write(String, String, int) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.json.JsonBuffer
Writes a string field.
- write(String, String, int, int) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.json.JsonBuffer
Writes a string field.
- writeDouble(String, double, int, int) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.json.JsonBuffer
Writes a double field.
- writeInt(String, int, int, int) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.json.JsonBuffer
Writes a string field.
- writeLineFeed() - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.json.JsonBuffer
Efficiently writes a line feed.
- writeMethod() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogEncoder.BufferHints
The preferred write style of the output.
- writeMethod() - Method in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogOutput.WriteMethod
- writeProperties(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.PropertiesParser
Writes properties.
- YELLOW - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternRegistry.ColorKey
ANSI yellow color
- zoneId() - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternConfig
Default zoneId if not specified.
- zoneId(ZoneId) - Method in class io.jstach.rainbowgum.pattern.format.PatternConfigBuilder
Sets zoneId.
- _apply(T) - Method in interface io.jstach.rainbowgum.LogProperty.PropertyFunction
Apply that throws error.
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