All Classes and Interfaces
An abstract formatter that has the semi-standard layout of TTLL - Time, Thread,
Level, Logger but allows changing the format of time, thread, level, logger,
Abstract TTLL Builder.
Makes avaje provide properties to RainbowGum.
API documentation marker that the enum or sealed type may add new case values on
feature release and thus external API consumers desiring backward compatibility should
have a
case.Disruptor async publisher.
An output that is designed for writing to a file.
Builder to create
.A logger that forwards calls to the
logger.A JSON encoder in
Builder to create
.JAnsi Configurator which will install JAnsi.
Jansi TTLL formater.
Jansi log formatter builder.
A buffer designed for encoding JSON efficiently.
Extended fields are just fields that have some special prefix for things like GELF
and ECS.
JSON tokens.
Will install the JUL handler if the
module is available and
is not alreadyi installed.Key Value Pairs similar to a
but optimized for memory and
less garbage (no iterators).A special consumer that avoids lambda garbage.
KeyValues that can be updated.
Resolves levels from logger names.
Abstract level resolver builder.
Level resolver builder.
A special resolver that has direct mappings of logger name to level via
.An output for debugging.
Appenders are guaranteed to be written synchronously much like an actor in actor
Provides appenders safely to the publisher.
Builder for creating standard appenders.
A marker interface for custom or generated builders.
The configuration of a RainbowGum.
Builder for LogConfig.
Config Change Publisher.
Changing type options.
Mixin for config support.
Used to generate Rainbow Gum config builder objects that once built will call the
method annotated with the properties from the generated builder on build.
Wall call a static method on the factory class (the class that contains the
method) with the property value as a string to be
converted.Use to set static defaults to parameters.
Use as parameter to property keys with parameters.
A parameter not to be configured with properties that will just pass through to the
build method.
Encodes a
into a buffer of its choosing.Abstract encoder that will cast the buffer to the desired implementation.
Encoders buffer.
A buffer that simply wraps a
.Hints the writer can pass to the encoder for creating buffers like max size and
storage style of the buffer etc.
Finds output based on URI.
Encoder registry
A LogEvent is a container for a single call to a logger.
A builder to create events by calling
LogRouter.eventBuilder(String, Level)
.Caller info usually derived from Stack walking.
Logs events.
Formats a log event using a
.Log formatter builder that is composed of other formatters.
Generic event formatting that is lambda friendly.
Formats a
.A special formatter that will do nothing.
A special formatter that will append static text.
Formats a throwable.
Formats event timestamps.
EXPERIMENTAL: this rainbowgum service provider allows wrapping slf4j
loggers created from the logger factory.
Because wrapping can change the depth of the logger in the callstack this interface
allows loggers to be notified their depth has changed because of
LoggerDecoratorService.decorate(RainbowGum, Logger)
.A component that has a start and stop.
Formats a LogEvent message.
Built-in message formatters.
A resource that can be written to usually in binary.
Abstract output on output stream.
The content type of the binary data passed to the output from an encoder.
Builtin content types.
Finds output based on URI.
Output type useful for defaults and categorization.
Marker interface that the output is thread safe.
The preferred write style of an output.
Register output providers by URI scheme.
Provides String based properties like
for default
configuration of logging levels and output.Abstract log properties builder.
Builder for properties.
Found property retrieved from
.A found list property result which includes the
exact properties where a value was found.
A found map property result which includes the
exact properties where a value was found.
A found string property result which includes the
exact properties where a value was found.
A log properties that can be mutated like a map.
Mutable Log properties builder.
Common static log properties such as System properties ane environment variables.
A single property or value.
Builds property keys.
A property description that can retrieve a property result by being passed
.Thrown if an error happens while converting a property.
An error friendly
for converting properties.Extracts and converts from
and is also an immutable builder
for LogProperty.Property
s.Mapped property getter.
A property getter and builder that has no conversion but may
prefix the key and search recursively up the key path.
Property Builder that can have keys added to try.
Throw if property is missing.
Parent interface for property exceptions.
Property helper mixin.
A supplier of a property result.
A result that is not missing and will either be an error or success.
The result of a property fetched from properties.
A property that was present but failed conversion.
A property that is missing (
).A property that is present.
A property that is present.
A property that was not found in properties but had a fallback value
Thrown if any
is not successful for combined valitation of many
properties.A builder that Validates results.
A factory that may need config to provide.
Thrown if a provider fails and a description needs to be added.
Log LogProvider Source.
Thrown if a provider could not be found for the ref.
Publishers push logs to appenders either synchronously or asynchronously.
Abstract publisher builder.
Async publisher.
Async publisher builder.
A factory for a publisher from config and appenders.
SPI for custom publishers.
Synchronous publisher.
Synchronous publisher builder.
Registry of publishers
A container for the response of some sort of request or action.
Output Status check.
Error status.
Standard status.
Routes messages to a publisher by providing a
from a logger name and
level.A user supplied router usually for filtering or transforming purposes.
Root router is a router that has child routers.
A route is similar to a SLF4J Logger or System Logger but has a much simpler
Route singletons and utilities.
Router flags for adhoc router customization.
Router routes messages to a publisher.
Router builder.
Creates a router.
FormattingInfo instances contain the information obtained when parsing formatting
modifiers in conversion modifiers.
Compiles a pattern into a formatter.
Builder for
.Pattern Config needed for pattern keywords that is generally platform specific.
Builder to create
.Configures Logback style pattern encoders and offers provision with the URI scheme
Factory for pattern encoders.
Builder to create
.Creates formatters from pattern keywords and are registered to a
.A composite formatter factory expects possible children.
A keyword formatter factory expects keywords and option list.
A pattern keyword instance is the content of percent encoded keywords in a pattern.
Extend for a service provider that will register custom keywords.
Pattern registry to register custom keywords.
Built-in supported color pattern keys.
Built-in supported pattern keys.
Pattern keywords.
Writes and parses properties.
RabbitMQ initializer to register output provider with scheme
RabbitMQ Output that will write publish messages to a given exchange with a given
routing key.
Builder to create
.The main entry point and configuration of RainbowGum logging.
RainbowGum Builder.
Provides an Avaje logger to use RainbowGum global queue to avoid initialization issues.
RainbowGum SPI.
Called after
has been loaded to do various custom initialization
like registering LogOutput.OutputProvider
s.Providers sometimes need multiple passes to support dependencies without using true
dependency injection.
Provides properties and or register services.
Implement to create a custom RainbowGum.
SLF4J provider using RainbowGum.
Rainbow Gum System Logger implementation.
Abstract System Logger Finder to allow users to create their own custom
Values (case is ignored) for "logging.systemlogger.intialize".
A simple service locator for initialization purposes and external services provided by
A TTLL formatter that has the layout of TTLL - Time, Thread,
Level, Logger but allows changing the format of time, thread, level, logger,
Builder for
aka TTLL formatter.A marker interface to check if it is a logger that is decorating.