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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


accept(String, String) - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.Variables.Builder
add(Variables) - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.Variables.Builder
Adds a Variables supplier to this builder.
add(KeyValuesResource) - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesLoader.Builder
Adds a KeyValuesResource as a source to the loader.
add(Variables) - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesLoader.Builder
Adds Variables for interpolation when loading key-values.
add(String) - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesLoader.Builder
Adds a URI specified as a string as a source to the loader.
add(String, KeyValues) - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesLoader.Builder
Adds a named KeyValues source to the loader.
add(String, String) - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValues.Builder
Adds a key-value pair to the builder.
add(String, String) - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.Variables.Builder
Adds a key-value mapping to this builder.
add(String, Consumer<KeyValuesResource.Builder>) - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesLoader.Builder
Add resource using callback on builder.
add(URI) - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesLoader.Builder
Adds a URI as a source by wrapping it in a KeyValuesResource.
add(Collection<Map.Entry<String, String>>) - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValues.Builder
Adds a collection of entries to the builder.
add(Map.Entry<String, String>) - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValues.Builder
Adds a key-value pair to the builder from a map entry.
add(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.Variables.Builder
Adds a map of key-value mappings as a Variables supplier.
add(Properties) - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.Variables.Builder
Adds a set of properties as a Variables supplier.
add(SequencedCollection<Map.Entry<String, String>>) - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValues.Builder
Adds a collection of entries to the builder.
addFlags(String) - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource.Builder
Parses a comma-separated string of resource flags and adds or removes the flags from this builder.
addFlags(Collection<KeyValue.Flag>) - Method in record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue
Adds additional flags to this KeyValue and returns a new instance.
Adding Ezkv to Your Project - Search tag in Overview
addPostFilter(String, String) - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesSystem.Builder
Adds an implicit filter call that will happen on every resource loaded regardless of what KeyValuesResource.KEY_FILTER resource keys are set (explicit) and will be called AFTER the explicit filters.
addPreFilter(String, String) - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesSystem.Builder
Adds an implicit filter call that will happen on every resource loaded regardless of what KeyValuesResource.KEY_FILTER resource keys are set (explicit) and will be called BEFORE the explicit filters.
apply(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.Variables
Architecture - Search tag in Overview
ARRAY_KEY_ARRAY_VALUE - Static variable in class io.jstach.ezkv.json5.JSON5KeyValuesMedia
Will output array keys using array notation like a[0] instead of the default which is duplicating the keys.
ARRAY_KEY_DUPLICATE_VALUE - Static variable in class io.jstach.ezkv.json5.JSON5KeyValuesMedia
Will duplicate keys for array entries.
ARRAY_KEY_PARAM - Static variable in class io.jstach.ezkv.json5.JSON5KeyValuesMedia
This parameter controls the array key naming scheme and is set with KeyValuesResource.parameters().
ARRAY_KEY_PARAM - Static variable in class io.jstach.ezkv.xml.XMLKeyValuesMedia
This parameter controls the array key naming scheme and is set with KeyValuesResource.parameters().
ARRAY_KEY_VALUE_ARRAY - Static variable in class io.jstach.ezkv.xml.XMLKeyValuesMedia
Will output array keys using array notation like a[0] instead of the default which is duplicating the keys.
ARRAY_KEY_VALUE_VALUE - Static variable in class io.jstach.ezkv.xml.XMLKeyValuesMedia
Will duplicate keys for array entries.


Basic Usage - Search tag in module io.jstach.ezkv.kvs
build() - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValues.Builder
Builds and returns a KeyValues instance containing all the key-value pairs added to this builder.
build() - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesLoader.Builder
Builds and returns a new KeyValuesLoader based on the current state of the builder.
build() - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource.Builder
Builds and returns a KeyValuesResource based on the current builder state.
build() - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesSystem.Builder
Builds and returns a new KeyValuesSystem instance configured with the provided settings.
build() - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.Variables.Builder
Builds a Variables instance from the current state of this builder, combining all added sources into a chain.
build(String, String) - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValues.Builder
Constructs a KeyValue with the given key and value, including flags and source information.
builder() - Static method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValues
Creates a new KeyValues.Builder with a default, empty source.
builder() - Static method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesSystem
Creates and returns a new KeyValuesSystem.Builder for constructing customized KeyValuesSystem instances.
builder() - Static method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.Variables
Creates a new Variables builder for constructing a composite Variables instance.
builder(KeyValuesResource) - Static method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValues
Creates a new KeyValues.Builder for constructing a KeyValues instance.
builder(String) - Static method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
Creates a builder for a KeyValuesResource from the given URI string.
builder(URI) - Static method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
Creates a builder for a KeyValuesResource from the given URI.
BUILTIN_ORDER_START - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider
The start order of the builtin components.
Builtin Filters - Search tag in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesFilter


clearParameters() - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource.Builder
Clears all parameters associated with the resource.
close() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesSystem
This signals to the logger that this key value system will not be used anymore but there is guarantee of this.
closed(KeyValuesSystem) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesEnvironment.Logger
This signals that key values system will no longer be used to load resources and that some other system can now take over perhaps the logging system.
collector() - Static method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValues
Collects a stream of KeyValue into a KeyValues instance.
collector(KeyValues.Builder) - Static method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValues
Collects a stream of Map.Entry into a KeyValues using the provided builder.
Components: - Search tag in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue.Meta
Contents - Search tag in Overview
copyOf(SequencedCollection<? extends Variables>) - Static method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.Variables
Creates a Variables instance that chains together multiple Variables sources but copies and filters the collection.
copyOf(SequencedCollection<KeyValue>) - Static method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValues
Creates a KeyValues instance by copying the given collection.
create() - Static method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.boot.EzkvConfig
Creates a stable config based on the opinionated loading.
create(Properties) - Static method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.Variables
Creates a Variables instance from the provided properties.
create(SequencedCollection<? extends Variables>) - Static method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.Variables
Creates a Variables instance that chains together multiple Variables sources.


debug(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesEnvironment.Logger
Logs a debug-level message.
DEFAULT_KEY_PREFIX - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
By default resource keys are prefixed with "_".
DEFAULT_KEY_SEP - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
By default resource keys use this as separator to separate the resource key and resource name (KeyValuesResource.KEY_LOAD) as well as other key properties (filter id for KeyValuesResource.KEY_FILTER and parameter name for KeyValuesResource.KEY_PARAM).
DEFAULT_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class io.jstach.ezkv.json5.JSON5KeyValuesMedia
The default JSON path separator.
DEFAULT_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class io.jstach.ezkv.xml.XMLKeyValuesMedia
The default XML path separator.
defaultResource() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesEnvironment
If the loader builder is not passed any resources this resource will be used.
defaults() - Static method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesSystem
Returns a default implementation of KeyValuesSystem configured with standard settings and a ServiceLoader based on KeyValuesServiceProvider and its classloader.
defaults(String[]) - Static method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesSystem
Returns a default implementation of KeyValuesSystem configured with standard settings and a ServiceLoader based on KeyValuesServiceProvider and its classloader.
describe(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.boot.EzkvConfig.StableConfig
Describes the key like what resource it came from.
description() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
Pretty toString of resource.
Description - Search tag in Overview
DotEnvKeyValuesMedia - Class in io.jstach.ezkv.dotenv
Dotenv (.env) format based on Node JS dotenv library.
DotEnvKeyValuesMedia() - Constructor for class io.jstach.ezkv.dotenv.DotEnvKeyValuesMedia
For service loader.


empty() - Static method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValues
Returns an empty KeyValues instance.
empty() - Static method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.Variables
Returns an empty Parameters instance.
EMPTY - Static variable in record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue.Source
A default, empty source instance used when no specific source information is available.
entry(Variables) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.Variables.Parameter
Requires the parameter.
environment() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesLoaderFinder.LoaderContext
Retrieves the KeyValuesEnvironment for accessing system-level resources and properties.
environment() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesProvider.ProviderContext
Retrieves the KeyValuesEnvironment for accessing system-level resources and properties.
environment() - Method in record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesFilter.FilterContext
Returns the value of the environment record component.
environment() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesSystem
Returns the KeyValuesEnvironment instance used for system-level interactions.
environment(KeyValuesEnvironment) - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesSystem.Builder
Sets the KeyValuesEnvironment to be used by the KeyValuesSystem.
equals(Object) - Method in record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue.Source
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesFilter.Filter
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesFilter.FilterContext
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
Example - Search tag in class io.jstach.ezkv.dotenv.DotEnvKeyValuesMedia
Example - Search tag in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
Example Properties Files - Search tag in module io.jstach.ezkv.kvs
Example Usage - Search tag in Overview
Example Usage - Search tag in interface io.jstach.ezkv.boot.EzkvConfig
Example Usage - Search tag in record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue
expand(Variables) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValues
Expands the key-values using variable interpolation and return a new key values where all the value parts of the keys are replaced with the interpolation results.
expanded() - Method in record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue
Returns the value of the expanded record component.
expression() - Method in record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesFilter.Filter
Returns the value of the expression record component.
Extensibility - Search tag in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesFilter
Extensibility - Search tag in module io.jstach.ezkv.kvs
Extensions and Integration - Search tag in Overview
EzkvConfig - Interface in io.jstach.ezkv.boot
Ezkv Config is tiny opinionated configuration framework modeled after Spring Boot that uses Ezkv KVS system to load key values into a Map.
EzkvConfig.ReloadableConfig - Interface in io.jstach.ezkv.boot
A reloadable config allows reloading but does not guarantee that repeated calls of EzkvConfig.getProperty(String) and similar will return the same results.
EzkvConfig.StableConfig - Interface in io.jstach.ezkv.boot
A stable config guarantees that repeated calls of EzkvConfig.getProperty(String) and similar will return the same result.


fatal(Exception) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesEnvironment.Logger
This is to signal failure that the KeyValueSystem cannot recover from while attempting to load.
Features - Search tag in module io.jstach.ezkv.kvs
Fields: - Search tag in record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue.Source
FILE_EXT - Static variable in class io.jstach.ezkv.dotenv.DotEnvKeyValuesMedia
Dotenv file extension.
FILE_EXT - Static variable in class io.jstach.ezkv.json5.JSON5KeyValuesMedia
The file ext is "json5" and not json however this media will work for json extension.
FILE_EXT - Static variable in class io.jstach.ezkv.xml.XMLKeyValuesMedia
The file ext is "xml" but will work with XML that does not have that file ext.
FILE_EXT_PROPERTIES - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesMedia
File extension for Properties files.
filter() - Method in record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesFilter.Filter
Returns the value of the filter record component.
filter() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesSystem
Returns a composite KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesFilter that aggregates all the filters added to the KeyValuesSystem.Builder or found via the ServiceLoader, if configured.
filter(KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesFilter) - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesSystem.Builder
Adds a filter to the filter chain.
filter(KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesFilter.FilterContext, KeyValues, KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesFilter.Filter) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesFilter
Applies a filter to the given key-value pairs.
filter(Predicate<KeyValue>) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValues
Filters the key-value pairs based on a predicate.
Filter(String, String, String) - Constructor for record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesFilter.Filter
Creates an instance of a Filter record class.
FILTER_GREP - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
Grep filter just like unix grep allows pickings keys based on matching regex.
FILTER_JOIN - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
Join filter can join duplicate keys' values with the separator being the expression akin to String.join(expression)
FILTER_SED - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
Sed filter can rename or delete key values keys just like unix sed by substitution (s) command or delete command (d).
FILTER_TARGET_KEY - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
This suffix on the end of the filter name will tell filters that support to target the key.
FILTER_TARGET_VAL - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
FILTER_TARGET_VALUE - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
This suffix on the end of the filter name will tell filters that support to target the value.
FilterContext(KeyValuesEnvironment, Variables, Variables.Parameters, Predicate<KeyValue>) - Constructor for record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesFilter.FilterContext
Creates an instance of a FilterContext record class.
Filter Target - Search tag in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
findByExt(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesMedia
findByExt(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesMediaFinder
Finds a KeyValuesMedia based on a file extension.
findByMediaType(String) - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.json5.JSON5KeyValuesMedia
findByMediaType(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesMedia
findByMediaType(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesMediaFinder
Finds a KeyValuesMedia based on a media type string.
findByResource(KeyValuesResource) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesMediaFinder
Finds a KeyValuesMedia based on the attributes of a given KeyValuesResource.
findByUri(URI) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesMedia
findByUri(URI) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesMediaFinder
Finds a KeyValuesMedia based on a URI.
findEntry(String...) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.Variables
Find a variable key-value tuple based on vararg keys.
findEntry(SequencedCollection<String>) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.Variables
Find a variable key-value tuple based on vararg keys.
findLoader(KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesLoaderFinder.LoaderContext, KeyValuesResource) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesLoaderFinder
Finds a KeyValuesLoader capable of loading the specified KeyValuesResource using the provided KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesLoaderFinder.LoaderContext.
flag(KeyValue.Flag) - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValues.Builder
Adds a flag that will be applied to all key-value pairs added by this builder.
FLAG_LOCK - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
Specifies that the resource is locked and its properties should not be overridden.
FLAG_NO_ADD - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
Indicates that the key-value pairs from the resource should only be added to variables and not to the final resolved key-value set.
FLAG_NO_EMPTY - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
Indicates that the resource should not be empty.
FLAG_NO_FILTER_RESOURCE_KEYS - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
Hints to filters that they should retain and not alter resource keys.
FLAG_NO_INTERPOLATE - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
Disables interpolation entirely for key-value pairs loaded from this resource.
FLAG_NO_LOAD_CHILDREN - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
Prevents the resource from invoking _load calls to load additional child resources.
FLAG_NO_RELOAD - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
Specifies that the resource should not be reloaded once it has been loaded.
FLAG_NO_REPLACE - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
Ensures that the resource can only add new key-value pairs and cannot replace existing ones.
FLAG_NO_REQUIRE - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
Indicates that the resource is optional and no error should occur if it is not found.
FLAG_NOT_REQUIRED - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
FLAG_OPTIONAL - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
FLAG_PROPAGATE - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
Indicates that the resource should pass its flags down to child resources regardless if the child resource has them set or not.
FLAG_SENSITIVE - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
Marks the resource as containing sensitive key-value pairs, which should not be displayed or included in output such as `toString`.
flags() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue.Meta
Retrieves any flags associated with the key-value.
Flags: - Search tag in enum class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue.Flag
flatMap(Function<KeyValue, KeyValues>) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValues
Flattens the key-values by applying a mapping function that returns another KeyValues. - Search tag in module io.jstach.ezkv.kvs
forKeyValues(BiConsumer<String, String>) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.Variables.Parameters
Iterates over all key-value pairs in this Parameters instance and applies them to a provided consumer.
format(KeyValues) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesMedia.Formatter
Formats key-value pairs and returns them as a string.
format(KeyValuesMedia) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValues
A convenience method to format key values to a String mainly for unit testing to maintain fluent chain.
format(Appendable, KeyValues) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesMedia.Formatter
Formats key-value pairs into the provided Appendable.
format(StringBuilder, KeyValues) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesMedia.Formatter
Formats key-value pairs into a StringBuilder.
formatLevel(System.Logger.Level) - Static method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesEnvironment.Logger
Turns a Level into a SLF4J like level String that is all upper case and same length with right padding.
formatParameterKey(KeyValuesResource, String) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesLoaderFinder.LoaderContext
Formats a resource parameter key how it is represented as key in the parsed resource.
formatParameterKey(KeyValuesResource, String) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesProvider.ProviderContext
Formats a resource parameter key how it is represented as key in the parsed resource.
formatResource(KeyValuesResource, BiConsumer<String, String>) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesLoaderFinder.LoaderContext
Formats a KeyValuesResource into its key-value representation and applies it to a given consumer.
formatResource(KeyValuesResource, BiConsumer<String, String>) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesProvider.ProviderContext
Formats a KeyValuesResource into its key-value representation and applies it to a given consumer.
formatter() - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.json5.JSON5KeyValuesMedia
formatter() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesMedia
Returns a KeyValuesMedia.Formatter for formatting key-value pairs to an appendable target.


getClassLoader() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesEnvironment
Retrieves the class loader.
getCWD() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesEnvironment
Gets the current working directory possibly using the passed in filesystem.
getFileExt() - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.dotenv.DotEnvKeyValuesMedia
Returns dotenv file extension.
getFileExt() - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.json5.JSON5KeyValuesMedia
getFileExt() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesMedia
Returns the file extension associated with the media type, if any.
getFileExt() - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.xml.XMLKeyValuesMedia
getFileSystem() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesEnvironment
Retrieves the FileSystem used for loading file resources.
getLogger() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesEnvironment
Retrieves the logger instance used for logging messages.
getMainArgs() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesEnvironment
Retrieves the main method arguments.
getMediaType() - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.dotenv.DotEnvKeyValuesMedia
Dotenv media type does not really exist so we use a custom one of "application/x-env".
getMediaType() - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.json5.JSON5KeyValuesMedia
getMediaType() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesMedia
Returns the media type as a string and should ideally be in rfc6838 format, is required and should be unique from other KeyValuesMedia unlike KeyValuesMedia.getFileExt().
getMediaType() - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.xml.XMLKeyValuesMedia
getProperty(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.boot.EzkvConfig
getRandom() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesEnvironment
Retrieves a random number generator.
getResourceAsStream(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesEnvironment.ResourceLoader
Retrieves an input stream for the specified resource path.
getResourceLoader() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesEnvironment
Retrieves the KeyValuesEnvironment.ResourceLoader used for loading resources as streams.
getResources(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesEnvironment.ResourceLoader
Retrieves classpath resources basically equilvant to ClassLoader.getResources(String).
getStandardInput() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesEnvironment
Retrieves the standard input stream.
getSystemEnv() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesEnvironment
Retrieves the current environment variables.
getSystemProperties() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesEnvironment
Retrieves the current system properties.
getValue(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.Variables
Retrieves the value mapped to the specified key.
Gradle - Search tag in Overview
grep - Search tag in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesFilter


hasFileExt(String) - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.json5.JSON5KeyValuesMedia
hasFileExt(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesMedia
Checks if a given filename has the file extension associated with this media type.
hasFileExt(URI) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesMedia
Checks if the URI's path has the file extension associated with this media type.
hashCode() - Method in record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue.Source
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesFilter.Filter
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesFilter.FilterContext
Returns a hash code value for this object.


Immutability: - Search tag in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue.Meta
Implementation Notes - Search tag in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesFilter
index() - Method in record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue.Source
Returns the value of the index record component.
info(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesEnvironment.Logger
Logs an info-level message.
init(KeyValuesSystem) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesEnvironment.Logger
When Key Values System is loaded.
inputStreamToString(InputStream) - Static method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesMedia
Reads an InputStream and converts it to a UTF-8 encoded string.
interpolate(Variables) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValues
Interpolates the values using the provided Variables.
Interpolation - Search tag in Overview
io.jstach.ezkv.boot - module io.jstach.ezkv.boot
Ezkv Boot is a tiny opinionated configuration framework modeled after Spring Boot that uses Ezkv KVS system to load key values into a Map ( io.jstach.ezkv:ezkv-boot:0.5.0-SNAPSHOT ).
io.jstach.ezkv.boot - package io.jstach.ezkv.boot
A Opinionated loading of configuration using Ezkv KVS based on Spring Boot loading style.
io.jstach.ezkv.dotenv - module io.jstach.ezkv.dotenv
Provides a Dotenv capable key values media parser based on ( io.jstach.ezkv:ezkv-dotenv:0.5.0-SNAPSHOT ).
io.jstach.ezkv.dotenv - package io.jstach.ezkv.dotenv
Provides a Dotenv capable key values media parser based on
io.jstach.ezkv.json5 - module io.jstach.ezkv.json5
Provides a JSON5 capable key values media parser that has zero dependencies ( io.jstach.ezkv:ezkv-json5:0.5.0-SNAPSHOT ).
io.jstach.ezkv.json5 - package io.jstach.ezkv.json5
Provides a JSON5 capable key values media parser that has zero dependencies.
io.jstach.ezkv.kvs - module io.jstach.ezkv.kvs
The EZKV core module, a non-opinionated Java configuration system that supports recursive chain loading of configuration from key-value pairs ( io.jstach.ezkv:ezkv-kvs:0.5.0-SNAPSHOT ).
io.jstach.ezkv.kvs - package io.jstach.ezkv.kvs
Ezkv Key Value loading system that allows loading of key values from URI-based resources.
io.jstach.ezkv.xml - module io.jstach.ezkv.xml
Provides an XML capable key values media parser that depends on the JDK java.xml module ( io.jstach.ezkv:ezkv-xml:0.5.0-SNAPSHOT ).
io.jstach.ezkv.xml - package io.jstach.ezkv.xml
Provides an XML KeyValues parser that will flatten XML and attributes to key values.
isDebug() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesEnvironment.Logger
If debug logging is enabled.
isFlag(KeyValue.Flag) - Method in record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue
Checks if a specific flag is set on this KeyValue.
isNoInterpolation() - Method in record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue
Checks if the KeyValue.Flag.NO_INTERPOLATION flag is set on this KeyValue.
isSensitive() - Method in record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue
Checks if the KeyValue.Flag.SENSITIVE flag is set on this KeyValue.
isSet(KeyValue) - Method in enum class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue.Flag
Checks if this flag is set for the given KeyValue.
iterator() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValues


JSON5KeyValuesMedia - Class in io.jstach.ezkv.json5
Parses JSON5 to KeyValues.
JSON5KeyValuesMedia() - Constructor for class io.jstach.ezkv.json5.JSON5KeyValuesMedia
For service loader.


key() - Method in record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue
Returns the value of the key record component.
KEY_FILT - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
KEY_FILTER - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
Key for specifying filters to apply to the resource.
KEY_FLAG - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
KEY_FLAGS - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
Defines flags associated with a resource.
KEY_LOAD - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
Key to specify a resource to load.
KEY_MEDIA_TYPE - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
Key for specifying the media type (or file extension) of a resource.
KEY_MIME - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
KEY_P - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
KEY_PARAM - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
Represents the key for specifying parameters associated with a resource and are usually suffixed with a separator and name of the parameter.
KEY_PARM - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
Key Features: - Search tag in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValues
Key Interfaces and Classes - Search tag in package io.jstach.ezkv.kvs
keys() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.Variables.Parameter
Keys of the parameter.
keys() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.Variables.Parameters
Returns an iterable over all keys that this Parameters instance knows about.
KeyValue - Search tag in Overview
KeyValue - Record Class in io.jstach.ezkv.kvs
Represents a key-value pair in the Ezkv configuration system.
KeyValue(String, String) - Constructor for record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue
Constructs a new KeyValue with a raw value, using the provided key and raw value.
KeyValue(String, String, KeyValue.Meta) - Constructor for record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue
Constructs a new KeyValue with the given key, expanded value, and associated metadata.
KeyValue.Flag - Enum Class in io.jstach.ezkv.kvs
Enumeration representing flags that can modify the behavior of a KeyValue.
KeyValue.Meta - Interface in io.jstach.ezkv.kvs
Metadata associated with a KeyValue.
KeyValue.Source - Record Class in io.jstach.ezkv.kvs
Represents the source information for a KeyValue.
keyValueIgnore() - Method in record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesFilter.FilterContext
Returns the value of the keyValueIgnore record component.
KeyValues - Interface in io.jstach.ezkv.kvs
Represents a collection of KeyValue entries with various utility methods for manipulation, transformation, and expansion.
KeyValues.Builder - Class in io.jstach.ezkv.kvs
A builder for constructing KeyValues instances from key-value pairs.
KeyValuesEnvironment - Search tag in Overview
KeyValuesEnvironment - Interface in io.jstach.ezkv.kvs
A facade over various system-level singletons used for loading key-value resources.
KeyValuesEnvironment.Logger - Interface in io.jstach.ezkv.kvs
Key Values Resource focused logging facade and event capture.
KeyValuesEnvironment.ResourceLoader - Interface in io.jstach.ezkv.kvs
Interface for loading resources.
KeyValuesException - Exception Class in io.jstach.ezkv.kvs
An exception that indicates an error occurred while trying to interpret key values from a resource.
KeyValuesException(String) - Constructor for exception class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesException
Overridden for specific key values exceptions.
KeyValuesLoader - Interface in io.jstach.ezkv.kvs
Represents a loader responsible for loading KeyValues from configured sources.
KeyValuesLoader.Builder - Class in io.jstach.ezkv.kvs
A builder class for constructing instances of KeyValuesLoader.
KeyValuesMedia - Search tag in Overview
KeyValuesMedia - Interface in io.jstach.ezkv.kvs
Represents a media type for parsing and formatting key-value pairs.
KeyValuesMedia.Formatter - Interface in io.jstach.ezkv.kvs
A formatter for writing key-value pairs to an output.
KeyValuesMedia.Parser - Interface in io.jstach.ezkv.kvs
A parser for reading key-value pairs from an input source.
KeyValuesMediaException - Exception Class in io.jstach.ezkv.kvs
An exception thrown when an error related to media type handling occurs in the context of key-value parsing or formatting.
KeyValuesMediaException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesMediaException
Constructs a new KeyValuesMediaException with the specified detail message and cause.
KeyValuesMediaException(String) - Constructor for exception class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesMediaException
Constructs a new KeyValuesMediaException with the specified detail message.
KeyValuesResource - Search tag in Overview
KeyValuesResource - Interface in io.jstach.ezkv.kvs
Represents a resource that contains key-value pairs to be loaded and processed.
KeyValuesResource.Builder - Class in io.jstach.ezkv.kvs
Builder class for creating instances of KeyValuesResource.
KeyValuesServiceProvider - Interface in io.jstach.ezkv.kvs
A service provider interface (SPI) for extending ezkv's capabilities to support additional media types and URI patterns.
KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesFilter - Interface in io.jstach.ezkv.kvs
A service provider interface (SPI) for filtering key values after a resource is loaded.
KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesFilter.Filter - Record Class in io.jstach.ezkv.kvs
A filter description with filter identifier and expression which is the DSL code that the filter will parse use to do filtering.
KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesFilter.FilterContext - Record Class in io.jstach.ezkv.kvs
Provides contextual information to a filter, including the environment and any parameters specified for the filtering operation.
KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesLoaderFinder - Interface in io.jstach.ezkv.kvs
A service provider interface for finding KeyValuesLoader implementations that can handle specific KeyValuesResource instances.
KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesLoaderFinder.LoaderContext - Interface in io.jstach.ezkv.kvs
A context provided to KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesLoaderFinder implementations to supply necessary dependencies and services for creating a KeyValuesLoader.
KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesMediaFinder - Interface in io.jstach.ezkv.kvs
A service provider interface for finding KeyValuesMedia implementations based on various attributes such as file extensions, media types, and URIs.
KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesProvider - Interface in io.jstach.ezkv.kvs
This service provider is for other modules in your application to provide a reference configuration to be overriden and can be loaded using the "provider" URI scheme.
KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesProvider.ProviderContext - Interface in io.jstach.ezkv.kvs
A context provided to KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesProvider implementations to supply necessary dependencies and services.
KeyValuesSystem - Search tag in Overview
KeyValuesSystem - Interface in io.jstach.ezkv.kvs
The main entry point into the Ezkv configuration library.
KeyValuesSystem.Builder - Class in io.jstach.ezkv.kvs
A builder class for constructing instances of KeyValuesSystem with customizable components such as environment, loaders, and media finders.


last() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValues
This method gets the last element of the key values stream.
load() - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesLoader.Builder
Loads key-values using the current builder configuration.
load() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesLoader
Loads key-values from configured sources.
load(KeyValuesResource) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesEnvironment.Logger
Logs a debug message indicating that a resource is being loaded.
loaded(KeyValuesResource) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesEnvironment.Logger
Logs an info message indicating that a resource has been successfully loaded.
loader() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesSystem
Creates and returns a KeyValuesLoader.Builder for constructing loaders that can load key-value pairs from various resources.
loaderFinder() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesSystem
Returns a composite KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesLoaderFinder that aggregates all loader finders added to the KeyValuesSystem.Builder or found via the ServiceLoader, if configured.
loadFinder(KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesLoaderFinder) - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesSystem.Builder
Adds a KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesLoaderFinder to the list of loader finders.


map(UnaryOperator<KeyValue>) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValues
Applies a transformation function to each key-value pair in the collection.
Maven - Search tag in Overview
Maven Coordinates - Search tag in module io.jstach.ezkv.kvs
Maven Plugin - Search tag in Overview
MEDIA_TYPE - Static variable in class io.jstach.ezkv.dotenv.DotEnvKeyValuesMedia
Dotenv media type does not really exist so we use a custom one of "application/x-env".
MEDIA_TYPE - Static variable in class io.jstach.ezkv.json5.JSON5KeyValuesMedia
The media type is "application/json5" and not application/json however this media will work for normal json.
MEDIA_TYPE - Static variable in class io.jstach.ezkv.xml.XMLKeyValuesMedia
The media type is "text/xml" and not application/xml however this media will work for all sorts of XML.
MEDIA_TYPE_PROPERTIES - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesMedia
Media Type for Properties.
MEDIA_TYPE_URLENCODED - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesMedia
Media Type for URL encoded pairs which is almost entirely compatible with URI percent encoding.
mediaFinder() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesLoaderFinder.LoaderContext
Retrieves the KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesMediaFinder for finding media types.
mediaFinder() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesProvider.ProviderContext
Retrieves the KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesMediaFinder for finding media types.
mediaFinder() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesSystem
Returns a composite KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesMediaFinder that aggregates all media finders added to the KeyValuesSystem.Builder or found via the ServiceLoader, if configured.
mediaFinder(KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesMediaFinder) - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesSystem.Builder
Adds a KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesMediaFinder to the list of media finders.
mediaType() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
Returns the media type of the resource, if specified.
mediaType(KeyValuesMedia) - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource.Builder
Sets the media type for the resource.
mediaType(String) - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource.Builder
Sets the media type for the resource.
memoize() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValues
Returns a memoized version of this KeyValues which means repeated calls to iteratore or stream over the KeyValues will always generate the same result.
meta() - Method in record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue
Returns the value of the meta record component.
Method Details - Search tag in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesFilter
missing(KeyValuesResource, Exception) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesEnvironment.Logger
Logs a debug message indicating that a resource is missing.
MODE_PARAM - Static variable in class io.jstach.ezkv.xml.XMLKeyValuesMedia
Either "properties" or "xpath" the default is "properties".
MODE_VALUE_PROPERTIES - Static variable in class io.jstach.ezkv.xml.XMLKeyValuesMedia
This will use properties notation where "." is the separator and duplicates do not have any array notation.
MODE_VALUE_XPATH - Static variable in class io.jstach.ezkv.xml.XMLKeyValuesMedia
This will use XPATH notation which for the array if there are multiple elements with the same name and parent will use array notation with 1 index notation.


name() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
Returns the name of the resource.
name() - Method in record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesFilter.Filter
Returns the value of the name record component.
name() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesProvider
The name used to identify where the key values are coming from.
name(String) - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource.Builder
Sets the name for the resource.
namePrefix(String) - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesLoader.Builder
Sets the resource name prefix for auto naming of resources based on a counter.
NO_INTERPOLATION - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue.Flag
Indicates that the key-value pair should not undergo any interpolation or variable substitution.
noAdd(boolean) - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource.Builder
Sets or clears the "NO_ADD" flag.
noInterpolation(boolean) - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource.Builder
Sets or clears the "NO_INTERPOLATE" flag.
noRequire(boolean) - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource.Builder
Marks the resource as not required.
NULL_URI - Static variable in record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue.Source
A constant representing a "null" URI for cases where the source is not specified.
NUMBER_RAW_PARAM - Static variable in class io.jstach.ezkv.json5.JSON5KeyValuesMedia
Configures whether or not to use the raw JSON5 number found instead of the Java converted number in KeyValuesResource.parameters() with the key "json5_number_raw" and is by default false.


of() - Static method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.boot.EzkvConfig
Gets the global config singleton.
of() - Static method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesEnvironment.Logger
By default Ezkv does no logging because logging usually needs configuration loaded first (Ezkv in this case).
of(KeyValue) - Static method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValues
Creates a single key values instance.
of(String, String, KeyValue.Source, Set<KeyValue.Flag>) - Static method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue.Meta
Factory method to create a new Meta instance with the specified raw value, source, and flags.
of(System.Logger) - Static method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesEnvironment.Logger
Returns a logger that uses the supplied System.Logger.
of(Map<String, String>) - Static method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.Variables.Parameters
Creates a Parameters instance from a provided map.
ofProperties() - Static method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesMedia
Returns a KeyValuesMedia instance for the Properties format however unlike normal Properties order of the properties key values is maintained based on the order parsed and duplicate key names are allowed.
ofSystemEnv(KeyValuesEnvironment) - Static method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.Variables
Creates variables from system environment variables.
ofSystemProperties(KeyValuesEnvironment) - Static method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.Variables
Creates variables from system properties.
ofUrlEncoded() - Static method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesMedia
Returns a KeyValuesMedia instance for the URL-encoded format.
openStream(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesEnvironment.ResourceLoader
Opens an input stream for the specified resource path.
optional(boolean) - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource.Builder
Marks the resource as not required.
order() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider
Since the service providers follow a "resolver" or "finder" pattern order of the providers matters.
originalKey() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue.Meta
The original key that was collected on the source.


parameter(String, String) - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource.Builder
Adds a parameter key-value pair to the resource.
parameters() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
Returns the parameters associated with the resource which are specified with the resource key "param".
parameters() - Method in record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesFilter.FilterContext
Returns the value of the parameters record component.
parse(KeyValuesResource, InputStream) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesMedia.Parser
Parses key-value pairs from an input stream and associates them with a given resource.
parse(InputStream, BiConsumer<String, String>) - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.dotenv.DotEnvKeyValuesMedia
parse(InputStream, BiConsumer<String, String>) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesMedia.Parser
Parses key-value pairs from an input stream and applies them to a consumer.
parse(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesMedia.Parser
Parses key-value pairs from a string and returns a KeyValues instance.
parse(String, BiConsumer<String, String>) - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.dotenv.DotEnvKeyValuesMedia
parse(String, BiConsumer<String, String>) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesMedia.Parser
Parses key-value pairs from a string and applies them to a consumer.
parser() - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.dotenv.DotEnvKeyValuesMedia
parser() - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.json5.JSON5KeyValuesMedia
parser() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesMedia
Returns a KeyValuesMedia.Parser for parsing key-value pairs from an input stream.
parser() - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.xml.XMLKeyValuesMedia
parser(Variables) - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.json5.JSON5KeyValuesMedia
parser(Variables) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesMedia
Returns a parser that maybe customized by parameters.
parser(Variables) - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.xml.XMLKeyValuesMedia
profiles() - Method in record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesFilter.FilterContext
Wil resolve the currently enabled profiles.
profiles(Variables.Parameters) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesLoaderFinder.LoaderContext
Finds a list of profiles based on context and passed in parameters.
profiles(Variables.Parameters) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesProvider.ProviderContext
Finds a list of profiles based on context and passed in parameters.
Project Information - Search tag in Overview
provide(KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesProvider.ProviderContext, KeyValues.Builder) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesProvider
Implementations should use the mutable builder to add key values.
provider(KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesProvider) - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesSystem.Builder
Adds a provider to provide reference key values.


qualifyMetaKey(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesEnvironment
Tranforms key names used by plugins for configuration of the plugins on the variable store.


raw() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue.Meta
Retrieves the raw, unexpanded value associated with the KeyValue.
raw() - Method in record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue
Gets the original raw value before any interpolation.
redact() - Method in record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue
Redacts the sensitive value in this key-value pair by replacing it with a default message.
redact() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValues
Redacts sensitive key-value entries by replacing their values.
redact(String) - Method in record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue
Redacts the sensitive value in this key-value pair by replacing it with a custom message.
REDACTED_MESSAGE - Static variable in record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue
reference() - Method in record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue.Source
Returns the value of the reference record component.
reference() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
Returns the KeyValue that references this resource, if any.
reload() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.boot.EzkvConfig.ReloadableConfig
Will reload the config and return the previous config.
renameKey(Function<String, String>) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.Variables
Applies functional composition to rename key while retrieving value this variables.
require(Variables) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.Variables.Parameter
Require a value.
require(Variables, Function<String, T>) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.Variables.Parameter
Require a value and transform or throw exception if missing or invalid.
requireElse(Variables, String) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.Variables.Parameter
Require a value.
requireElse(Variables, Function<String, T>, T) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.Variables.Parameter
Require a value and transform or throw exception if missing or invalid.
Requirements - Search tag in Overview
requireParser(KeyValuesResource) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesLoaderFinder.LoaderContext
Finds and returns a required parser for the specified KeyValuesResource.
requireParser(KeyValuesResource) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesProvider.ProviderContext
Finds and returns a required parser for the specified KeyValuesResource.
resource(Function<KeyValuesEnvironment, KeyValuesResource>) - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesLoader.Builder
Adds resource that will be resolved based on the environment.
RESOURCE_NAME_PATTERN - Static variable in record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue.Source
Resource name pattern for validation.
RESOURCE_NAME_PATTERN - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
Resource name pattern for validation.
RESOURCE_NAME_REGEX - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
Resource names must match "[a-zA-Z0-9]+" regular expression which is effectively only alphanumeric and no spaces.
Resource Configuration in Resource - Search tag in Overview
Resource Configuration in URI - Search tag in Overview
Resource Filters - Search tag in Overview
Resource Filters - Search tag in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
Resource Flags - Search tag in Overview
Resource Flags - Search tag in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
Resource Keys - Search tag in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
Resource Key Value Configuration - Search tag in Overview
Resource Loading - Search tag in Overview
Resource Media Type - Search tag in Overview
Resource URIs - Search tag in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource


SCHEMA_CLASSPATH - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
Classpath resource is loaded using KeyValuesEnvironment.getResourceLoader().
SCHEMA_CLASSPATHS - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
Classpaths ( note the plural "s") resource is loaded using KeyValuesEnvironment.getResourceLoader().
SCHEMA_CMD - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
Command line argument pairs separated by =.
SCHEMA_ENV - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
Environment variables which come from KeyValuesEnvironment.getSystemEnv().
SCHEMA_FILE - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
File resource which is the default if no schema is given.
SCHEMA_PROFILE - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
Will load multiple resources based on a CSV of profiles where the profile name replaces part of the URI.
SCHEMA_PROVIDER - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
Will load provider(s) reference key values.
SCHEMA_STDIN - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
Allows Unix piping of key values, often useful for passwords.
SCHEMA_STDIN_MAIN_ARG_PARAM - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
Resource parameter to decide what command line argument should be present to allow reading from stdin.
SCHEMA_STDIN_PARAM - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
Resource parameter to enable stdin.
SCHEMA_SYSTEM - Static variable in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
System properties which come from KeyValuesEnvironment.getSystemProperties().
sed - Search tag in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesFilter
sensitive(boolean) - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource.Builder
Marks the resource as sensitive, meaning its values should not be printed.
SENSITIVE - Enum constant in enum class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue.Flag
Marks the key-value as containing sensitive information.
SEPARATOR_PARAM - Static variable in class io.jstach.ezkv.json5.JSON5KeyValuesMedia
Configures the separator by KeyValuesResource.parameters() with the key "json5_separator" and is by default ".".
SEPARATOR_PARAM - Static variable in class io.jstach.ezkv.xml.XMLKeyValuesMedia
Configures the separator by KeyValuesResource.parameters() with the key "xml_separator" and is by default ".".
serviceLoader(ServiceLoader<KeyValuesServiceProvider>) - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesSystem.Builder
Sets the ServiceLoader for loading KeyValuesServiceProvider implementations.
setDefaultProperties(Map<String, String>) - Static method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.boot.EzkvConfig
Set default properties which will be used in addition to those in the found on loading.
source() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue.Meta
Returns the source from which the key-value pair was loaded.
Source() - Constructor for record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue.Source
Creates an empty source.
Source(URI, KeyValue, int) - Constructor for record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue.Source
Creates an instance of a Source record class.
stableConfig() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.boot.EzkvConfig.ReloadableConfig
The current backing stable config (might be generated). - Search tag in module io.jstach.ezkv.kvs
stream() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValues
Returns a stream of the contained KeyValue entries.


Technical Details - Search tag in module io.jstach.ezkv.kvs
Technical Details - Search tag in package io.jstach.ezkv.kvs
toBuilder() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
Creates a builder based on the current state of this KeyValuesResource.
toMap() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.boot.EzkvConfig.StableConfig
Generates a map from the config.
toMap() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValues
Converts the key-values to a map where each key maps to its expanded value.
toString() - Method in record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue.Source
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource.Builder
toString() - Method in record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesFilter.Filter
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesFilter.FilterContext
Returns a string representation of this record class.


uri() - Method in record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue.Source
Returns the value of the uri record component.
uri() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource
Returns the URI of the resource.
uri(URI) - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesResource.Builder
Sets the URI for the resource.
URI schema: classpaths - Search tag in Overview
URI schema: env, system, cmd - Search tag in Overview
URI schema: profile. - Search tag in Overview
URI schema: provider - Search tag in Overview
URI schema: stdin - Search tag in Overview
Usage - Search tag in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesFilter
Usage Example: - Search tag in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValues.Builder
Usage Example: - Search tag in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValues
Usage Example: - Search tag in record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue.Source
Section - Search tag in module io.jstach.ezkv.kvs
User Guide - Search tag in Overview
useServiceLoader() - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesSystem.Builder
Uses the default service loader to load extensions.


value() - Method in record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue
Gets the expanded value after interpolation.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue.Flag
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue.Flag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
variables() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesLoaderFinder.LoaderContext
Retrieves the Variables used for interpolation.
variables() - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesProvider.ProviderContext
Retrieves the Variables used for interpolation.
variables() - Method in record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesServiceProvider.KeyValuesFilter.FilterContext
Returns the value of the variables record component.
variables(Function<KeyValuesEnvironment, Variables>) - Method in class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesLoader.Builder
Adds variables that will be resolved based on the environment.
Variables - Interface in io.jstach.ezkv.kvs
Represents a mapping function that associates a key to a value, typically used for variable resolution during interpolation.
Variables.Builder - Class in io.jstach.ezkv.kvs
A builder class for creating composite Variables instances by combining multiple sources of key-to-value mappings.
Variables.Parameter - Interface in io.jstach.ezkv.kvs
A mixin for enums or similar representing parameters that provides some validation on retrieving variables.
Variables.Parameters - Interface in io.jstach.ezkv.kvs
Represents a specialized Variables interface that can list all keys it knows about.


warn(String) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValuesEnvironment.Logger
Logs an warn-level message.
Why and Use Case - Search tag in Overview
withExpanded(String) - Method in record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue
Creates a new KeyValue with an updated expanded value.
withExpanded(Function<String, String>) - Method in record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue
Returns a new KeyValue instance with its value expanded using the provided function.
withFlags(Collection<KeyValue.Flag>) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue.Meta
Creates a new Meta instance with the specified flags.
withKey(String) - Method in record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue
Creates a new KeyValue with an updated key.
withSealedValue(String) - Method in record class io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue
Because EZKV reinterpolates all loaded key values on each resource load to support chaining the expanded value will changed based on KeyValue.raw().
withSource(KeyValue.Source) - Method in interface io.jstach.ezkv.kvs.KeyValue.Meta
Creates a new Meta instance with the specified source.


XMLKeyValuesMedia - Class in io.jstach.ezkv.xml
Parses XML to KeyValues.
XMLKeyValuesMedia() - Constructor for class io.jstach.ezkv.xml.XMLKeyValuesMedia
Constructor called by service loader.
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