Module io.jstach.ezkv.boot

module io.jstach.ezkv.boot
Ezkv Boot is a tiny opinionated configuration framework modeled after Spring Boot that uses Ezkv KVS system to load key values into a Map ( io.jstach.ezkv:ezkv-boot:0.4.0 ). It is made to be a slightly better System.getProperties().

Features are purposely very limited.

The loading is as follows:

  1. System.getProperties and System.getEnv are load for interpolation.
  2. Resource classpath:/ is loaded (but not required)
  3. Resource profile.classpath:/ is loaded (but not required)
See Also:
  • Packages

    A Opinionated loading of configuration using Ezkv KVS based on Spring Boot loading style.